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Everything posted by tomcat

  1. Yes, best to shoot first I say. The rational foundation for any analysis, and indeed, for every government interested in global stability! I don't think you're giving enough credit to US intelligence. By saying what you're saying, you're really stating that you know as much as the US gov't does .. and you and I both know, that's not the case. You said yourself that when we find WMDs, you'll eat your words. Prepare to eat well my friend.
  2. Or maybe we should just wait for another event like this instead? Fool. Amazingly enough, I have to clue you in on the fact that, as far as we know, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Most of the alledged "terrorists" were Saudi (an oppressive regime we SUPPORT) and Osama considers Saddam to be an "infidel". SO, as far as Al Qaeda is conseder, Saddam and the US are in the same boat. I was waiting for you to get flustered .. it's fun when you get all riled up. Just because you have been led to think Saddam's regime had nothing to do with 9/11, that doesn't mean you're right.
  3. Or maybe we should just wait for another event like this instead?
  4. Not to mention the 500 MILLION it cost for the air campaign on Saturday. Money well spent. Do you have kids? They may benefit more from 500M$ spent on education than 500$M spent on war. It's better than losing my kids to bio-terrorism. IMHO.
  5. Not to mention the 500 MILLION it cost for the air campaign on Saturday. Money well spent.
  6. How dare you post something without looking at every other thread first!
  7. Yeah, me too. Sorry to disappoint guys, I know you'll be wondering where on earth that tomcat fella is.
  8. I concur. What a wacko.
  9. It's all about the music .. last night it was Godsmack's new album .. today it's Tracy Chapman. I'll leave Godsmack in the case logic for a while.
  10. I missed you too Billygoat.
  11. 101st Airborne .. Ft. Campbell, Ky. Some E-5 .. his name is Muslim (he is Muslim and opposed the war, reportedly).
  12. How about you take a page from tomcat book and become something... exactly the same! In your case you could get a bored avatar, how about that? Friends?
  13. You can't get banned from chatting. It's a global chatroom.
  14. tomcat

    Let's argue.

    I'd like to see them burn that flag when they see a 10 mile line of Abrahams coming towards them.
  15. I can verify!
  16. tomcat

    Let's argue.

    Hey Allison, bring one of your sorry avatars in here and let's argue.
  17. tomcat

    Let's argue.

    Wait .. no I won't.
  18. tomcat

    Let's argue.

  19. tomcat

    Let's argue.

  20. tomcat

    Let's argue.

    No it's not.
  21. tomcat

    Let's argue.

    No you don't.
  22. tomcat

    Let's argue.

    Wow, way to make me angry buddy. That's tough coming from someone who cuts trees for a living.
  23. tomcat

    Let's argue.

    Umm, no it's not whatever! Chump.
  24. tomcat

    Let's argue.

    Listen bud .. I said yes. We are going to argue whether you want to or not!!!!!!!!!
  25. Looks like we're both at a loss then?
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