Hello all.
It has been some time since I have graced these halls. This is a big year for me. I am turning 50 next month and this year also marks half my life as a climber, so I have been planning the Big Five Oh Birthday Extravaganza since last year. I will be working only 6 days in July and climbing the rest of the time. First stop will be Touloume from 6/28 - 7/6. Fairview Dome is first on the list with Regular Route and Lucky Streaks and probably Great Pumpkin. Lots of others on the list with a full week of climbing.
The second stop is the one I am having troubles with. I can travel after work on Tuesday, but need to be back early Saturday for my birthday party. I was planning on Donner Pass, but the flights do not fit my schedule so I am looking for options and partners for 3 solid days of climbing. Oh, and it needs to be granite and preferrably long. I will drive almost anywhere and will be departing out of pdx. A few destinations I could think of include Green Giant Buttress, Static Point and even though the climbs are short, City of Rock. I would be open to other options if you have a plan. Any one interested, just let me know.
The 15th - 20th and 23rd - 27th will likely be in WA climbing with my son who has just moved back here from GA, but I may head back to the high sierras too. The destination for 29th - 3rd will be Squamish with Angel Crest on my list.