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Everything posted by minx

  1. hope you're not reading this! happy birthday
  2. minx


    i don't. i was making that up
  3. since i don't climb, i don't think its accurate but i've been called worse than hag. i think someone called me a khunt this w/e. pink would you please quit posting my pic. sheesh!
  4. minx

    I'm done

    sorry that's CBS. BIOchemistry is just a hobby of mine
  5. fuck you guys. you're all gettin uptight about what the fuck people climb. some folks like alpine nonsense and some folks like fucked up ice, and some folks stick to rock craziness. who cares?
  6. minx

    I'm done

    ummm...scott, i believe he's talking about the osmolality of the blood which is normally about ~290 - 330 mOsmo
  7. minx


    nahh...i prefer to climb in the tree line.
  8. minx


    who the fuck climbs below the tree line?
  9. minx

    Bolts at Index

    i do so need closure. carry on!
  10. minx

    Bolts at Index

    no, no, i've only hired eurotrash with proper visas. more expensive but worth it. the interest on visas can kill ya though. climbing was just too hard for me. when i realized i could pay someone to do it for me, it really opened up the possibilities.
  11. minx

    Bolts at Index

    i wuv you too kevin. i'll luv you even more if you never start another bolt v. trad thread of any sort. there are plenty of these. including plenty about index.
  12. minx

    Bolts at Index

    i just pay someone to summit for me.
  13. minx

    Bolts at Index

    i like it when the trail to private idaho is clearly marked
  14. minx

    Bolts at Index

    oh wait, i don't climb and when i did i sucked really really badly so nevermind. i have nothing to say
  15. minx

    Bolts at Index

    oh fuck kevbone quit fucking trolling. who cares. i can't think of anything that i could climb that's bolted crack. but whatever. there are a few that sure the fuck doesn't mean i'm showing up w/a set of draws, a gri gri and a fancy "personal anchor" sold at REI for 29.95.
  16. trouble with the flight to mars, is that there's likely to be a long lay over on the moon. if you miss your connecting shuttle, you're screwed
  17. hell yeah! that lioness looks pretty happy in the first pick. but no....now he's not puttin out and she's cranky. this ain't new math people!
  18. minx

    I'm done

    he said in "extreme" instances. goodfuckinglordpeople! this place is more anal retentive and nitpicky than my greatgrandmother looking for her "heart" pills
  19. minx

    I'm done

    hey scott actually has a good bit of advice there. you can dilute any of the "sports" drinks down. pick one that works for you. i get really bad charlie horses from time to time. gotta start the electrolytes well ahead of time i find. if i wait until after a hard day then it can be too late
  20. I was talking about this. ummm...doesn't matter. thread drift, roll with it man, just go along for the ride.
  21. yeah, its all that latin
  22. flowers, scott, flowers. please keep up. we know you're in the south and all but come on...you've done this before. you know...spray...thread drift...spray
  23. no but i'm sure you should be blamed for something. no i really don't need latin this early in the morning. sheesh!
  24. how many species of wildflowers did you see there?
  25. i did get a speeding ticket and two warnings this w/e so i contributed to the economy. i think that was very patriotic of me. got stung by a couple of yellow jackets too. apparently they didn't feel that climbing on the 4th was very patriotic. guess at all depends on your perspective. i did drink some beer. maybe that counts
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