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Everything posted by minx

  1. look at those legs!
  2. i'm perfect. i can't imagine what you're talking about.
  3. it's bad to lie. it's even worse to lie to yourself.
  4. so basically you're out in the cold with your hand out?
  5. who needs a license for that?
  6. what 4 or so climbs would you do if you had the time? looking for recommendations for less climbed climbs maybe. not crazy hard but if we're going to hike in w/a rope and a rack we might as well put them to good use.
  7. PP--my only excuse was that my better half and i decided that sunday was a sleeping in morning and we meandered to vantage later! terrorist/not terrorist...it's semantics. ultimately it comes down to people getting killed and that sucks no matter what you call the perpetrators.
  8. such sad news.
  9. perhaps it's best to consider some context. england has been the target of IRA attacks over the years. some of them not insignificant. some in england supported the IRA's bid for "independence". that would fit with the BBC's reluctance to refer to them as terrorists. i'm not exactly sure what freedom (in relation to britain) that al quaeda would be fighting for?
  10. doesn't matter...her shorts look fabulous!
  11. minx

    Bad First Dates

    yeah, we know.
  12. if they're yours, send me a PM,identify where they were left and describe them. These were found on friday afternoon. I'll get them back to you ASAP
  13. so where'd you go wrong? sheesh. loser
  14. i think comparing one groups misery to another is a pointless endeavor. obviously england isn't in a position to invade anybody these days. ok--maybe not anybody.... tony blair is not george bush so he probably doesn't need to have his position validated by a blow job from anybody but his wife and/or mistress. 3000+ people died on 9/11. 50+ died on 7/7. to the individual families this makes no difference. however the magnitude of devastation was eons different. air travel in this country was halted for 5days. the markets closed. england was able to keep functioning despite the horror. now to some measure that's just a credit to the resilient nature of the british. h/e, i'd say in larger measure it's a reflection of incomparable the 2 events are. 9/11 and 7/7 are vastly different but they do rhyme.
  15. i thought that meant you got lucky
  16. thanks TLG! that's just what i needed today for lunch. mmmmm....scenery! can't wait. going for a whole week
  17. figures. but probably a lot about knots
  18. minx

    London Explosions

    i don't think you could even inspire an argument about that.
  19. Quit it!! BE NICE! The only thing I could show you with ropes, that you don't know....would be for other purposes than climbing. hmmmm....unless you're talking about sailing, i'm guessing rumr knows as much as you about non-climbing uses for ropes
  20. minx

    London Explosions

    ouch! the truth hurts sometimes
  21. i might be willing to clip a beer or climb a case at the trail head. but all that nasty hiking and climbing just interfers with drinking.
  22. nice TR. love that marmot pic! sounds like a fun trip. looking forward to my trip to the enchantments even more!
  23. minx

    London Explosions

    Sad that Bush is the barometer of idiocy. Sad but true.
  24. minx

    London Explosions

    he still sounded less like an idiot than bush did.
  25. minx

    London Explosions

    would a real "lady" hang out on this site?
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