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Everything posted by minx

  1. trix is a fantastic pitch. i remember that the roof can be done w/o the bolts on epiphany? might be wrong it's been a while. it does seem like a waste to have crossed the route like that. leads to a bit of cluster at times. i remember being terrified on the upper part of geophysical. still a fun climb. then again, that's about as hard as i ever lead so it's probalby pretty easy and fun for a better climber.
  2. shapp--good to spring mtn get some luv here. can't say as i've been there in an eon or so but i never see it mentioned these days. certainly not the greatest crag ever but definitely provides an enjoyable day!
  3. thank OW!!
  4. OW- i hate to correct you. i don't care or want to know who he is. i want the drama out of the climbing forum.
  5. Depends if it is an individual or when they die. By 2009 the exemption will be up to $7 million for couples, $3.5 for an individual. There's a bunch of wonky calculations with some deferments as well. But - if it happened today then yes, it would likely be subject to the federal estate tax. And thanks to the Republican Congress you cannot deduct the state estate tax as you once could. Guess they favored the federal coffers rather than the local state ones. Jim--I wasn't asking about the federal estate tax. Income tax pure and simple. Say I come into a chunk of money gambling, I'm supposed to report it as income. If win a car on the price is right.... report as income. if i fall into some money from a dead relative...income? kinda sucks a little bit extra if that money is getting triple taxed. 1) when earned by now dead relative 2) estate tax (federal and local) and 3)me...as income. just trying to gather some info.
  6. you deserve a rash
  7. I get taxed every year in a progressive tax system based on my income. My property is taxed every year for real estate taxes. After years of paying my taxes, I die. The government has no damn business taxing my estate, when I leave it to my family, no matter how big it is. you, comrade! stupid question from an undereducated taxpayer. if my family member keels over and leaves me 5 million, do I then have to pay federal income tax on that money? i assume so. at least we don't have a state income tax.
  8. OMFG! stop it!! take your stupid petty personal dispute to PMs. pick a time and a place to meet behind the monkey bars and settle the matter. don't subject the public to this crap.
  9. minx

    Seattle Sucks

    yes, please waive the bottle of vermouth somewhere near my gin. vodka goes on the rocks with or without a mixer. choice of mixer is correlates directly with the number of times you woke up in the backseat of someone's car.
  10. minx

    Seattle Sucks

    gin...gin should be the only option.
  11. minx

    "We are winning"

    Now that is fucking hilarious .
  12. minx

    "We are winning"

    no, obviously he's not drinking the cool-aid.
  13. minx


    metronatural --nudist metrosexual?
  14. no. it was done jus to piss people off. i think maybe i'll move just the second page back to the rock climbing forum.
  15. ahhh--i'm guessing flying pig is back. could a mod of this forum either chop this and move it to spray or delete it.
  16. Dr. Bill Cash -- veterinarian
  17. pink -- soooo sorry you couldn't get the sarcasm in my comment. i forgot the lame ass rolly eyes graemlin thingy. most people would know that i don't give a fuck if bill likes me. now when you're done assuming that me calling bill out involves estrogen, go re-read my post and tell me that i'm wrong.
  18. relax cbs--they probably can't even layoff anyone until the deal is final. that'll take a couple of months. then you've got the severance package going for you. you should definitely take up skiing or other winter sports.
  19. spanaway ..... enumclaw? what's the difference really
  20. Bad arguements Minx, as was your last post. Just because somebody plunked in an anchor somewhere, dosen't mean that the next person now must forwver suffer it being there because some dick head wanted to put in in and it's in now so everyone MUST now leave it there. Pffsssst. As far as you being a weak climber and needing a short anchor. Well, that arguement is weak as well, why not just stay in the gym instead of lowering the climbs to your level? Frankly, Dcramer has an arguement for leaving it there that is hard to argue against, ie, 1) it's pretty much always been there and 2) it's a damn good place, being a no hands nice little stance right there. lets see here bill, DC says that since it's pretty much always been there leave it--funny, i think i made the same point. i guess i just don't see the difference. i thought i was pretty clear. it's already there. leave it alone. no point in undoing it--there'll still be a scar. i don't approve bolting cracks. i don't see why you have a problem with my saying it but it's OK if someone else says it. why am i obligated to become a 5.10+ climber? i am perfectly happy climbing 5.10- with the amount of time i have to climb. climbin a few grades lower than you doesn't make my opinion less valid. i can't help but think that you're a total dickhead who just doesn't like me.
  21. and archie is smokin a cigar
  22. yeah--that's a really good idea because we really don't want to learn anything. he's already done plenty of cutting to support his war into poverty in iraq.
  23. leave it to archie to be involved with a scandal
  24. hey bill--being a moderator doesn't stop me from having an opinion. as far as i know swearing is standard fare for spray so i don't see what your problem is. this is apparently a hot topic with you and ggk so you think we should all prioritize at the same level you do. you know, there are global issues that i personally consider more important than this one. yes i'm doing something about those. i really don't need ggk to level broad accusations about me or anyone else being a lazy uncaring person. he doesn't have a clue. he's just bent b/c this doesn't top everyone's priority list. frankly, i think he has his priorities out of whack but you don't see me posting it like that.
  25. wtf? when/where should we speak up? here? on this forum? you don't know who is making what buying decisions, being active in another way...that you know nothing about. or as in many cases...only has so much time in life to champion so many causes. i, for one, cannot possibly take an active role in every world atrosity that bothers me. i can however do something about some of them. your link disturbs me, it may make me think about my buying descisions more closely, but it's not going to be my number one cause. don't tell me I don't give a fuck about anybody but myself. i just don't prioritize this cause as highly as you do. FUCK OFF>
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