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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    Best present?

    glad that everything went well for you. hopefully you and mom found decent accomodations?
  2. minx

    Best present?

    I prefer my hands for auto-erotic strangulation, less risk of death there is nothing auto-erotic about cc.com. if there is for you, well you've got stranger fetishes than even i've thought of.
  3. minx

    Best present?

    hey this place makes me want to hang myself from time to time and that mouse cord sure is handy
  4. minx

    Best present?

    watching my son open his gift (it wasn't the guitar he wanted but it made him happy), time with family that wasn't quite as bad as i had feared (still a mini epic but no one died), a really cool pataguchi base layer w/a hood , thoughtful christmas cheer from some of my clients (who knew they were that cool) and new friends this year. i hate giftmas but life is pretty good this year.
  5. thank dog that's over for another year!
  6. hi kevbone
  7. yay! presents!
  8. minx

    go see

    ah come on CBS so cynnical
  9. yeah, i think they all disappeared with the latest upgrade. i was a scornful tease, now i'm just a sprayer.
  10. prime numbers
  11. no, y'all were busy comparing the size of your dicks
  12. maybe he could help him find a parking spot?
  14. minx

    Premarital sex

    I grew up in Utah, where a common practice for young women that wanted to "save" themselves for marriage in the temple was to take in the ass instead. Somehow, I don't see the rational, but I guess they were still virgins, on paper anyway. Still seems like pre mariatal sex to me. so at what point has sex started and polite company is over?
  15. minx

    Premarital sex

  16. minx

    Premarital sex

    i don't know about spokane but i'm pretty sure that i've committed several felonies while in ID. i think the only want you fucking in missionary
  17. minx

    Premarital sex

    are you a woman? i would like to point out that here on the cesspool of cc.com, the sexual deviancy thread couldn't hold a candle the monster thread of lame religious debate.
  18. minx

    Premarital sex

    really? you're joking right? you can't seriously be asking about this on this board right?
  19. hey seahawks, the pope called he wants you to stfu. guess i'm gonna have to lock this thread if you don't quit posting
  20. i would like to take any fossil, intermediate or not and shove it up your arse after all this. there ya go bug. i'm spewing bile.
  21. minx

    2 questions

    well have a lovely time climbing some peak. sounds much nicer than debating the accuracy of the bible.
  22. The darkest day of the year. ahhh...irony. I failed to notice that, of course I wasn't doing much posting here this time last year. I'm kind of curious how much climbing Seahawks actually does. I've never met them, but I believe that Kevbone and Pink climb. Seahawks on the other hand I'm kind of skeptical that he does much more than post on the internet. hmmm...interesting point. i hadn't considered that. i have actually spoken with people who have witnessed kevbone climbing. but no reference to seahawks climbing.
  23. minx

    2 questions

    minx - do you mind if I borrow your login? I can lay a trap and ambush kevbone, then serve him to the homeless for Christmas dinner (no brain matter, so no worries of KJ stuff) hugh that's very kind of you to offer but i've been accepting bids for a week now. the log in password will go to the highest bidder. I'm accepting offers until 12:00am monday morning.
  24. The darkest day of the year. ahhh...irony.
  25. hey it was one year ago today that seahawks registered.
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