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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. well actually no just a really realy big van 4 captians chairs and a bench seat that'll fit 2-3
  2. heres a failry unbiased view of the general. http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?messageDate=2003-09-12 the one from fortune is crap, and twisted.
  3. we're tryin to cut down the expences and have room for like 4 or 5 more people w/gear planing on leavin after class on fri from bellingham and making it back for class on mon morn. Wirl
  4. the 10b next to rudabega in squish looked like good locks turned out to be rattly fingers and shitty smears statred off easy though
  5. funny thing is down the block there was probly a meth lab that the cops took there donut break at, i'll be glad if and when the stop bustin people for pot and go for the real drugs, problem is people make a shit load more money off em and pot is a easy out to make the police look like there doing somthing.
  6. just what the wall needs a bunch of newbies scrambling around lookin for hard to find anchors knockin shit off the top and posibly slidin of them selfs, walk off its not that bad as long as its not dark.
  7. i can show u all some stuff worth climbin.. maybe lol
  8. must've been some other hottie then my bad
  9. THAT IS SOOO ME i think i saw u guys roped up on the decent route off the apporn the other day. as for me it really depends on the climb.
  10. i believe this forum is called rock climbin not plastic pinchin, stupid pudwacker, by the way mister e that poem rocked.
  11. weather was ggod til this after noon should clear up tomorrow or the next day...hopfully
  12. i got my money on the dude wit the belly, i think he must be the ropegun of em all
  13. grad walls open so's the apron, whats wrong wit them?
  14. lol cool i havn't ran into erin yet but thigs are cool kinda relaxin
  15. if ya need a partner/(will ropegun for beer or food) i'll be there for the next week or 2 look for the blue chev van wit a grey stripe and wash plates, thats me. Eric
  16. whirlwind

    Sex Is Like...

    a box of chocolate, u nevewr know what ur gonna get... but it dosn't matter cause there all good.
  17. i just flushed some nuggs, there probly on the way over right this minute... but really though if u go up sehome hill and make a right turn the street before the college(24th i think) and drive abotu 100 or so yrds there is a spot to park by a big yellow gate, then hike up about 100yrds to a trail head and go lft for a bit and the boulders will jump out at ya. oh and i leave ya the bk this week end on my way up, behide that rock. have fun E
  18. whirlwind

    Sex Is Like...

    or full of pot holes
  19. whirlwind

    Sex Is Like...

    a good hand crack, after the first jam, u wish it would go on forever, but before u know it u'v finished the pitch and left ur parner a mess to clean .
  20. is that why u won't climb on my rope i told ya that the were marks where from a stupid and that i only used it to tow my car once.
  21. so what did jason say?
  22. i realize u probly wont climb any routes wit me but i can probly coax some local hotties into bein a belay slave, u know wit my good looks and boyish carm. oh and a large rack also helps
  23. whirlwind

    Bad Accident

    What a surprise. Every time I get near one of those things I think "Murder Weapon". Semis BAD!!! it was the dude in the cars fault if he would a hit another car there would have been no dout more casualties cause he was haulin ass, u could tell by where the truck was hit and how far past the tuck the car stoped.
  24. if u don't mind a tag along, i 'll split the gas wit ya. i need some serious work on my boldering skills so i can be promoted up from spoter boy to at least blunder boy. plus there is suposedly some good trad and sport stuff in col.
  25. who u goin wit, planin on carpoolin or just meetin people?
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