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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. the best system i've seen is the beer bong that goes from rap anchor to rap anchor. man the velosity of the beer after fallin 70+feet sends it straight though the liver and to directly to the brain only down fall is the secound has to keep filling the bong.
  2. lol yeah only after they give me pain killers for all the bruises and shit that i'll aquire in the process
  3. what friendly fire casulties, that never happen.
  4. we where going to build one over here but i lost the sword fight
  5. watch out for the flying red vines though, i herd they got heat seakers now.
  6. dude yaeh wwe could get like an hr of n in
  7. sorry i didn't mean that she sucks nutts,
  8. why wont this thread die?
  9. lol there not good till the first frost though then there everywhere.
  10. the weathers alround kinda crapy up here and i'm almost too proud to go to the gym, ( actually just to busy)
  11. lol yeah me too muffy. i go insane when i don't climb, i guess i should climb more then.
  12. they wouldn't let me in said i was beyond hope thats why i was hopin you guys could help. i know i'm not the only phyco here.
  13. suks nutts u shouldn't go... to many hotties runnin around in tight ass biker shorts and skin tight tops... like i said it suks nutts
  14. any ideas on straightin it out.. my theripist tells me i just need to get laid, but then she won't give it up wtf.
  15. well i'll check the comp one more time round 3 or so after that ur sol
  16. i din't know but not to early
  17. whats a harem? i'm down to move to alaska though
  18. fuk in egg thats what i'm talking about>
  19. scew him actually yeah i can give him a lift but where not leavein smith till kinda late.
  20. ok but do u think michael moore is as biased as fortune mag at least he is in serch of the truth, which is quite obvious if you've ever seen one of his docamentories (fuck spellin)
  21. i think a majority of the women who are going shoping are doing so cause the need to find new ways to hide there ever increasing ass, think about it this excludeds climbing and other athletic women cause they know there sexy specally in there tight ass larca. and how many climbing women would rather go shoping than send the week end haveing sex and/or climbing?
  22. i posted this in another thread but it was probly a dead one so here u go http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/message/index.php?messageDate=2003-09-12
  23. sounds like the first step to control, he controls the energy (OIL) controls whom ever is in need of it.
  24. now i just need some one other than distel to give a ride there
  25. no sex in the van while i'm drivin damit.
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