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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. there is actually only 7 climbers in the van so where runnin odd numbers any way, don't not come cause u think u don't have a parnter.
  2. that would make logical sence, maybe that can be ur phD study, that is if u ever get out of grad school
  3. recent canadian reaserch shows that lefthanded individuals are more comonly gay or lesbian. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/07/000710071931.htm
  4. that or they get confused and atack the walls instead of the egg
  5. right on top it says "all round champion climber" not world champion but shit all round means ever aspect of climbin though right?
  6. dude we got 8 other wise id say yeah sorry bro
  7. ho bag my phone at home and im not whats up u bitchin out?
  8. what does the present do? jumps out of b-day cake naked i beileve
  9. gots class
  10. i'm just jealous cause i want to get paid, but really though if i could get paid and go pro i put lunies on it that i could pull wit the best of em, climbing just on the weekends, with the occasional "long" 3-4 day trip makes it aful hard to improve fast, shit ussaly it takes about a day to find my lead head. and i'm sure this is pretty true for most of us.
  11. i wonder if i could market myself as "world champion hangdogger" or purhaps " Sir Flails Alot" bet i could make a buck or two... REI here i come
  12. lol we all love u mike
  13. lol we all love u mike
  14. shit i probly cant swing em either, more than likly brain myself.
  15. i don't dout that shes strong or if shes a good climber, im still wonderin about the speed pulling jug thing though. maybe they should call her the world champion speed jug puller, or WCSJP for short.
  16. i don't dout that shes strong or if shes a good climber, im still wonderin about the speed pulling jug thing though. maybe they should call her the world champion speed jug puller, or CSJP for short.
  17. the x games consists of speed jug pulling, wtf does this prove anyhow?
  18. its not the youth bro its the fing marketing scams to get more kids to buy a bunch of fing gear so the ceo's can make a mill
  19. ok who's in charge of the porn tapes? (climbin porn of cource) we got a tv and vcr in the van
  20. who's ben?
  21. or chocolate sauce?
  22. dam what if we use jello?
  23. YOU SHOULD CLIMB MORE TRAD the best alround endro test is sendin hard trad routes, 1) u have extra wieght via the rack 2) placing gear while pumped is a bitch and u gain alot of holdin power, or take a shit load of whippers till u do. 3)lots of good trad routes require hikeing as the aproach and this is of cource done with a pack full of shit. (therefore increases more alround endurance)and basicaly trad
  24. lol there is already a king size bed in the back thats plenty of room for an orgie oh and i think ky might be better then butter but it dosn't tast good. oh and so how many are actually going? distel+2 me and jayb thats five, paco? erik? u guys comin 4 sur?
  25. well last time it was like 125 in gas or so its up to u all, if we can fit up to 6 or 7 with gear and then it would be like 15 or so a peice.
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