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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. whirlwind

    Eagle VS Deer

    yeah thiers a nother video o nthe bottom that shows a bunch of pictures of Golden eagles taking out deer, wolves, fox, fricking awsome birds of prey
  2. Post deleted by wirlwind
  3. whirlwind

    Define please

    or assault
  4. whirlwind

    Define please

    ok so im a dumb ass but 197still isn't 200. and isn't a reg pitch somthing that can be raped off of with one rope. and if it takes 2 or a 70m rope its considered a "long pitch"
  5. whirlwind

    Define please

    that and 60m is only 180ft. but of cource you knew that already
  6. twas, you free all day or just after noon?
  7. 10ctrad nice man i guess its been awhile i remeber when we did zigzag
  8. guess not. and ur not funny
  9. yeah, im really gona trick you into paying me for fixing your house. no i am a carpenter and need some work right now. or whenever i can always use some extra cash, and i have the experiance to do what i say i can do. only limitations are tools and time. tools i dont have every thing. time well that depends on the job and where it is
  10. Post deleted by wirlwind
  11. Post deleted by wirlwind
  12. whirlwind

    Other talents?

    i'll play most any sport. love chess biking motor and non. i really hate auto mechnics but i sort of fell into it. fixing all the beaters i've had over the yrs. music, drinking i want to go surfing and sky diving, maybe scuba as well anyone wana go?
  13. media.. "upper anchor" could very well be a piece of pro, and or the actual anchor
  14. house work done? like painting, replaceing or putting in new/larger windows/doors. sideing, frameing, dry wall. i can alot of different stuff and wont chage an arm and a leg. could probly do tile, and cabnets/countertops but haven't done alot of either so small jobs are ok nothing 2 big( tile an counter), i have done aprentice work for both and can and will do it right.
  15. i was wondering when someone was going to go thier
  16. on tetris. i just got 14
  17. shit iv'e seen people do stuff like that and seen the person i was climbing with get lowered down and just walk all over the rope. that ussally get it moved out of the way pretty fast. in fact i think ive done it 2. sorry but if you throw your rope down at the bottom of a climb while im on it, i wont try and step on the rope but i sure as hell am not going to do some jumping ballarena bullshit to avaiod steping on it either.
  18. easy way to check the alt is to start the car and pull the negitive cable off the car should still run. wit hand without headlights, with headlights the engine will probly bog down alittle though but not realy recamended, it old school and you can shock your self and or do other shit to the car.
  19. like fendor said shucks or napa can test it for free while its in the car, but ask lots of questions and maybe go to both places i've had shucks insist my batty was shot and told me i need to replace it, well a yr later it finally stoped taking a charge but mostly case the car was sitting for 2 months the battery finally died. as far as batterys go, go to costco, they have the best prices i've seen and also have a lifetime warrty. before you replace the battery take it in to shcucks and have them put it on thier tester, they also have a slow charge that sometimes can bring it back to life (in which case it maybe your alt.), and check the water level of the battery, at a yr old even a chepee should still work.
  20. ? what happen?
  21. thats about right or you can settle for 7.16 an hr doing hard labor for some jackass, thats making 10 to 20gs a mounth. the jobs here do kinda suck, even construction isn't paying that well/ there are alot of people out of work now. homes arn't selling building is slowed.
  22. i like to go varoom varoom. kinda a crapy pic though it looks much better in person
  23. my dumb ass, and my new toy not quite a fatcat token a bong but close
  24. i like red heads best myself.
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