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Posts posted by Toast

  1. Word :tup:




    In 1976 I was a lonely young man, just out of school in Tacoma wondering how to meet friends, in particular female friends. Someone suggested the hardies and I signed up for their hiking class. I met several babes, and married the one with the best legs...and other attributes.


    Three years later we were both in the intermediate class teaching the basic students stuff we'd learned the year before. In retrospect, I wasn't ready to teach, but the organization said I was. As a climb leader, I made some mistakes, but no one got hurt.


    We soon dropped out of the club as we had met a circle of 10 friends who had integrity, but no desire to continue jumping through hoops for the club.


    After a 24 year absence I rejoined the hardies this spring in hopes of meeting some partners who had more skills than the average gym rat. I've had mixed results.


    In the Tacoma club, there are some very experienced hardies, truly nice people with a ton of alpine experience(willis wall). We've been on some climbs together and it feels good knowing they can build an anchor safely, know how to belay without a grigri, and have at least a vague idea of rescue techniques. My only problem with them is they are always in the mountains, where I just want to climb cliffs.


    I think I've actually had better results meeting partners on this board. It does really help when people are honest about their abilities, and fitness levels.


    Oh, did I mention, she was quite a babe? She and I, and our two grown kids will be in the valley this fall.




    the mountaineers have their problems, but, unless you are lucky enough to find a mentor, for the money, no one teaches beginners better...


  2. I'm gonna piggy back on your thread...


    LOST Cannon point and shoot (A550?) on Dome Peak - somewhere between Itswoot Ridge and the ridge above Cub Lake. All I want is the memory card if found.


    Oh, and if you've found a suunto vector somewhere between access creek and big beaver trail, that's mine too.


    Hi Sean :wave:

  3. I've had several pair of Montrail D7's and like them a lot. Unfortunately, they're out of production. You can still find them on discount sites, but it's getting hard to find them in specific sizes.


    They have a high rand and thin forefoot profile that makes them among the best for foot jamming in cracks. They don't edge all that well, but that's a tradeoff for overall comfort.


    You might check out the Garmonts. I haven't tried them, but I'm considering them myself.

  4. You should be able to get $400 if they're in good shape, less if they're beat up. They're big ass walnut cabinets if I remember right. I lived with a pair of voice of the theater corner horns back in the day, and the things could crank



    Talk to the guys at Hawthorne on roosevelt

  5. I showed up about 7:30, and found Sky and his buddy Dan lurking in the parking lot. I stopped to ask where was our party and Dan, looking at my white shirt and tie, couldn't believe I was part of the group. "Can I help you sir?" he asked.


    :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

  6. That's the hippie word of the day. And as you know, they are the mortal enemy of nerds. We need our own word of the day.


    The & symbol consolidates text information in the same way as the + symbol adds numbers. The space between quotation marks adds a blank character between the separated texts.


    Hence, =A1&" "&A2&" "&A3...

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