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Posts posted by Toast

  1. I can't go :( I have a pair of tickets to both days for sale. Looking to break even... or better.




    The Arcade Fire

    Manu Chao

    Citizen Cope

    Neko Case

    Viva Voce

    Incredibly Strange Wrestling

    Beastie Boys


    Michael Franti & Spearhead


    The Polyphonic Spree

    Bad Brains

    The Dandy Warhols

    The Black Angels


  2. There's also Self Rescue by David J. Fasulo. Fasulo's descriptions are not so straight forward and don't always match the illustrations, but Mike Clelland's illustations are what make this book. Also, the sequence of topics is very good.


    I think the scenarios an analysis of the other book are very good. The two cover the same ground, but they're nice compliments to one another.


    Fuck Rove, Fuck Bush, Fuck Cheney, Fuck Wolfawitz, Fuck Condi, Fuck Alberto, Fuck Rummy, ... fuck fuck fuck em' all!


    I've never seen so many crooks in administration.





  3. Very sad to hear this. While I've known some who have died in the mountains, a friend whom I, and several others on this board, have climbed with died in a climbing accident last year. His memorial service was a celebration of his life and love of teaching in the mountains. Hundreds of climbers shared their grief among a common crowd. It was helpful to know there were others who had the same itching questions, doubts, reflections. It was healing to share and to listen.

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