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Posts posted by Toast

  1. I am unable to perform anything of any consequence while high. Therefore my climbing partner enjoys watching me set up the tent which invariable takes a good hour. Mind you this is two tokes of cloned B.C. bud at it's best. This is the only time I will partake while climbing. When I know I will be lying down soon.


    But this is truly me. I try not to smoke pot... in public.

  2. Wow! Thanks so much for the replies, I don't even know where to begin! I will focus on developing necessary skills to climb cracks successfully. Maybe I will stop by UW's gym once or twice to simulate that. I really appreciate the advice, I hope it helps me in my pursuit to develop Alpine rock skills.


    Not UW Gym. UW Rock, silly. It's at the mouth of Montlake Cut.

  3. :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:

    :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:

    :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:

    :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:


  4. They're proposing to build freeway overpasses... dumb. They could spend a fraction of the dollars and fund fixing potholes, section gaps and street sweeping for a decade for what one of those would cost. That's something they could do immediately and it would make commuting a lot more practical. My $0.02.

  5. I read the book a long time ago, long enough that seeing the film was fresh and new. I walked out of the theater feeling really good. I like Sean Penn’s films, and I liked this one. I sort of wanted my family to see it, so they’d have half an inkling of why I cringe at the glass bubbles they live under and why I do some of the things I do that they consider reckless.


    The film vs. the book gives two different treatments. Krackauer is skeptical, and he does question whether McCandless was naïve and reckless. He does recognize something in himself in himself, though, and paints a very human picture much like Caravagio did in paintings. Penn pretty much glorifies the Alexander Supertramp character as confident and self assured the whole way. Word was Leonardo was considered for the role. I’m glad he didn’t, but the effect was the same. Read the book.


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