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Posts posted by Toast

  1. Just a heads up to folks heading to Tieton Canyon. The Everett Mountaineers are running their Leading on Rock classes at Royal Columns May 26-27 and next weekend, June 2nd and 3rd. We'll work around other climbers at the crag and yield to routes not being climbed, but Western Front and Rap Route are going to be crowded.







    We'll have four pairs of students learning to lead at Royal Columns this weekend, June 02-03.

  2. My first trip to Palenque I had spent the previous day travelling 36 hour straight from Tikal. I woke the next morning swinging in my hamock surrounded by banana trees of the Chipas highlands. It was a hot morning by ten o'clock. I tooks a stroll to find a spring fed waterfall nearby. I bathed for the first time in three days that was more or less a cold shower. It was one of the best I'd ever had.


    Skinny dippin' under a waterfall on a hot day :tup:

  3. Some dickhead maliciously bid my Sasquatch tickets way above the going rate to take them out of competition for tickets they’re probably selling themselves. That’s probably going to leave me holding the bag with no buyer later today. I’ve deleted their bids, and the price is back to a more reasonable figure.


    If you're interested in a pair of tickets for the weekend, I'd rather sell them cheap to somebody on this board.

  4. Just a heads up to folks heading to Tieton Canyon. The Everett Mountaineers are running their Leading on Rock classes at Royal Columns May 26-27 and next weekend, June 2nd and 3rd. We'll work around other climbers at the crag and yield to routes not being climbed, but Western Front and Rap Route are going to be crowded.




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