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Everything posted by Bianca_Piaggio

  1. Mais pour quoi, cherie?
  2. Just to clarify, at least going back to 1984, KCMU had records in light, medium, and heavy rotation. There was a requirement (not enforced, but we did it) that we play a certain amount of each per hour. Sometimes there would only be 5-6 albums in the heavy rotation bin.
  3. Once you get your new setup, plan on spending the first season or so getting good on the new gear by skiing lift serviced and taking an avy safety course and going out and practicing your new skillz with people who know what they are doing. Also, you'll want to read the avalanche report every day for the entire snow season.
  4. I worked there "back in the day" in the mid 1980s. At the time KCMU was one of the top ten college radio stations in the country. People who worked there at the time went on to be very successful and in some cases famous in the music industry. The point of this? There is no point. Who the hell cares. So what. In the 20-odd years I've been a listener, including the 3 years or so I was on the air and held a staff position there, I can't so much as say it's changed all that much. There have been years where the programming has been more or less cohesive, more or less mainstream, more or less interesting. Same for the on-air talent. I for one prefer the continuity and improved quality of the on-air talent as compared to the complete mishmash that it once was. I still hear incredibly cool groundbreaking music on that station, the kind that makes me wheel the grocery-getter to the curb and grab pencil and paper lest I never hear that new artist again.
  5. I think you should BOTH STFU.
  6. Bianca_Piaggio


    Dwayn if I recall you use to praise the spew on this site and riduculed those who made a plea similar to the one you're making here. Who is the real Dwayn? Wasn't your most recent tome to be called Bombast and Bombardiering: A freshie's guide to CC.com This site is so confusing.
  7. Dwayn if I recall you use to praise the spew on this site and riduculed those who made a plea similar to the one you're making here. Who is the real Dwayn? Wasn't your most recent tome to be called Bombast and Bombardiering: A freshie's guide to CC.com This site is so confusing.
  8. Bianca_Piaggio


    I should have delted the Caveman reference from my stolen passgae. Cavemen is the one thing on CC.com that never changes and never pretends to be something he isn't. Love him or hate him he's one of the few nonposers here.
  9. I should have delted the Caveman reference from my stolen passgae. Cavemen is the one thing on CC.com that never changes and never pretends to be something he isn't. Love him or hate him he's one of the few nonposers here.
  10. Bianca_Piaggio


    I wish I could have said it as well as Lambone. Hey I can! My nomination would be way back when Dwayner and pope began to propegate the anti-bolt/sport climber wars. Runner up would be when cavenman publicly threatened to kill me cause he thought I was making fun of Fred Beckey (I wasn't). But who really cares when or why CC.com so called "jumped the shark?" why ask? Are you woried that the respected climbing "pioneers" in the NW won't respect you when they find out you post on CC.com? By claiming that you remember when CC.com jumped the shark, you are basically saying that you were around during the "golden age" when CC.com was a nice happy climbing community that shared information and encouragement. A time when it was considered respectable to be a registered member and contributer to the boards. Once again placing yourself in the "old school" category that is inherently superior to the "new school." Once again living in the past and promoting a dicotomy between the intrest groups of our small community. Still, I will contribute my own nomination, because hey, spraying is allways more fun than work, regardless of what the "pioneers" think. No shit... Scott P, effortlessly good at stating the obvious. Of course, I would never say that to you in person.
  11. I wish I could have said it as well as Lambone. Hey I can! My nomination would be way back when Dwayner and pope began to propegate the anti-bolt/sport climber wars. Runner up would be when cavenman publicly threatened to kill me cause he thought I was making fun of Fred Beckey (I wasn't). But who really cares when or why CC.com so called "jumped the shark?" why ask? Are you woried that the respected climbing "pioneers" in the NW won't respect you when they find out you post on CC.com? By claiming that you remember when CC.com jumped the shark, you are basically saying that you were around during the "golden age" when CC.com was a nice happy climbing community that shared information and encouragement. A time when it was considered respectable to be a registered member and contributer to the boards. Once again placing yourself in the "old school" category that is inherently superior to the "new school." Once again living in the past and promoting a dicotomy between the intrest groups of our small community. Still, I will contribute my own nomination, because hey, spraying is allways more fun than work, regardless of what the "pioneers" think. No shit... Scott P, effortlessly good at stating the obvious. Of course, I would never say that to you in person.
  12. Double posts.... [ 08-31-2002, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Bianca Piaggio ]
  13. quote: Originally posted by danielpatricksmith: God dammit I look good in a beard! There are at least two female cc.commers who would agree with this. I think we need to know more!
  14. She shouldn't need any special training for the woods, just a keen eye, and a healthy soul that is not jumpy and paranoid. The skills are the same. I swear, the snafflehounds get me way worse than the scary man in the brush, he hardly ever freaks me out. Only if scary man snores.
  15. Jeez, you guys, yes, I know who Fred Beckey is, man, I was just asking. Of course I use the books just like everyone else, and I've got a handle on his resume, and all of that, but I was just wondering why he gets discussed here so much. It's a simple enough question! Dang, crazy amounts of foul name calling here! [ 08-04-2002, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: Bianca Piaggio ]
  16. Wow, guess he really showed me, huh?
  17. Nah, I'm my own girl, but thanks for thinking of me anyway. So just because the guy has done a lot of stuff, you just go on and on about him like he's the best thing since sliced bread? Why not E. Veisturs? Why not a million other guys who have done great things? I've watched this board for months and it's always the F.B. hero worship, practially non-stop? Are you somehow responsible for his accomplishments?
  18. You're just another meat-fearing twit. Got no time for this. Go flirt with some hapless dork now.
  19. Sorry, she started it.
  20. Oh, my, you have definitely outwitted me now, O Wise One. [ 08-03-2002, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: Bianca Piaggio ]
  21. I know I'm going to regret having asked this question, but why does this Caveman guy have a bizarre fascination with F. Beckey?
  22. If girls did go poop, it would come out in little lavender-scented wrapped packages....but we don't poop. Ya never see us go, because we don't!
  23. What, your pompous little piece of self-evident "brilliance" that you found in a book of quotes that you got for your sixteenth birthday? No, I don't need some illiterate housewife who's afraid of meat "explaining" that to me. Thanks for your generous offer though. You can borrow my spell-checker any time in exchange.
  24. All ya gotta do is walk around like ya own the place, whatever that place may be, and nobody's going to give you any guff. No gun, just a little common sense. Doy. Get mugged or raped a lot? Me neither. Now why the hell is this being talked about at cc.com? If we were at ParanoidFrightenedWomenWalkingThroughDarkAlleysAtNightInLingerie.com, it might make more sense.
  25. quote: Originally posted by sk: you suck and I am here to take up band width... ....you climb sweety. OK, now I am really confused. Do I suck, or am I her, uh, "sweety"? Does this person represent many people, or does she just have many personalities? It's got to be several people given the hot/cold, and of course the sheer volume of posts. Eating meat keeps us at our rightful position on the food chain!
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