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Everything posted by greghinemeyer

  1. my post says it all. fuck off pasty white fucks
  2. greghinemeyer

    The Future

    you are absolutley correct boner, and i hate the smell of the smell of polo.
  3. greghinemeyer


    what happened to that douche bag trask? i haven't been on in a long time so i thought i would give hime some shit.
  4. hey trashk not much action in the trailer park?
  5. quote: Originally posted by Dru: high school antigravity science project strange goings on in Utah those fucking teenagers, don't they have something better to do with their time.
  6. quote: Originally posted by klar404: Yo man! your harshing my fleece shield!
  7. greghinemeyer


    i just was finishing off a nice vacation when i rolled into seattle for a few days. good beer, some good music. but my god i have never seen so many coffee drinking,cigarette smoking,fleece wearing pasty faced slugs in my life.
  8. green energy
  9. what good would gum do at a time like this?
  10. quote: Originally posted by Muir on Saturday: there's a little voice inside me saying this shit wouldn't happen if people just smoked more pot. and spent more time in the ocean.
  11. hey sorry about the mother crack that was bad. later boys
  12. quote: Originally posted by trask: Who says it's not. Why I've had three beers already and I still think you're an idiot. But if you wanna go home now, that's cool, just leave the Tonkas. See ya tomorrow. yea i got to get of the computer just like i got off your mother. bye bye
  13. hey this is not getting us anywhere.
  14. you did not. you are just stupid
  15. now find pussys
  16. anchor steam and this stout shit that they serve in the sunflower cafe in boulder.
  17. quote: Originally posted by trask: RUN pussys? dude you need to run to a dictionary
  18. lenny kravitz looks terrible in lavender
  19. greghinemeyer


    at least there are a few of us not buying the shit they are selling.
  20. quote: Originally posted by ryland moore: Ever been to The Zoo in Veracruz? Hotties everywhere!!!!!!!!! Terminal Gravity - you gonna climb some of Barry Balnchard's ice route down there? Or maybe TG=Barry Blanchard? hey ryland i have never been to the zoo, but i believe you about the hotties. not sure of the beaches we were at, i think it was hornos and or galeta. i don't remember. too many sips of mexican fire water.
  21. rent a car and drive to vera cruz. try any of the fish at Prendes. almost as tasty as the women are beautiful.
  22. i wonder where they found those darling little tootsie roll clothes?
  23. absolutely
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