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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. LOL! You don't want to compare my grades to most little kids but especially your son unless you need some belly laughter LOL. Congrats to the boy on the 5.14!


    OK, I'll fess up. I climbed with my boy and his buddy over spring break week, it was awesome. The awesome part was how stoked they got. Hardest thing that wasn't a bolt clip up was Frogland in Red Rocks. Less than 3 hours on route which I consider good time for 3folks, 2 of whom are beginners. We had good changeovers. Stan Miller and Steve Lyford did that for the first time last year (onsight - W/no topo) from the base to the car in 1:40min at the end of a long day in BlackVelvet Canyon - timed.


    Here they are on their first gear leads ever.








    Sweet Bill!! Extreme family vacations! There has got to be a market for that! :-)

  2. Fantastic that he broke through to a new grade.

    Cool that you're proud papa.

    Lame "so what did u do" comment.

    . Haha wasn't trying to be snarky! Just meant it as did you achieve a long standing goal or did you go on vacation! Both have merits...hanging at the beach is really what I needed given the pickle I am in at work. That being said drew has worked his ass off and I had to give him this chance.


  3. My middle boy is about 50lbs or so and climbs with a sit harness...it really depends on how they are "shaped"...are they toddler or boy shaped?


    All my kids are shrimps and would still be in a full body harness even at age 12 if you went by weight.


    Sounds weird, but weight is not what to go by.

  4. apparently Ashima, at the age of 10, has just sent Crown of Aragorn, at V13!!!!


    Drew spent some time with her training in Atlanta last august. His quote was basically "Dad, she's unbelievable. She never never goes wild, does crazy moves and has incredible core strength and tension. And, her fingers make mine look weak." He was blown away by her.

  5. Thanks Pete...He actually is the "anti-bad ass". He is just a really earnest kid who tries his hardest. Absolutely loves climbing...


    He is also far from unique, as Bill said. Every year, it seems that each youth bracket gets stronger and stronger as these kids keep redefining "breakthrough"...I can't even imagine what Europe is like now.


    He has a whole cadre of kids that absolutely CRANK. Sitting in the stands watching them "perform" is breath taking...

  6. Cool. I am curious as it is something I have wondered for a long time (although, unfortunately, my kids didn't evolve into climbing phenoms) but are there any special consideration for someone that age to start cranking on small holds?


    there's nothing "unfortunate" about your kids not being climbing "phenoms", but regarding the considerations:


    yeah there are. it's something i personally wrestle with, having a little one involved with the game/sport/hobby.


    it's pretty obvious that we, as humanoids, are descendantly/biologically more evolved to deal with things like branches and other large grabbables, vs the tiny crimps that modern rock climbing is mainly about. as a result, kids do tend to have a few climbing-specific injuries, such as growth plate fractures in fingers.

    I think the key is restraining them...I try to make sure they climb no more than 3 days out of any 7...i have had many arguments with people about how they "should" train more times a week...Personally, i think that's asking for it...the stress they put on their fingers is ENORMOUS...

  7. actually, he's about 70lbs and is close to a one arm pullup. He can do pullups with 45lbs hanging off his waist. So, he is lightweight, but also has an incredibly sick strength to weight ratio for big muscles (i won't even go into what he can hold onto). All of this is pre puberty...


    He's what my dad calls "Country-bumpkin boy strong"!

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