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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. Whatever. I'm an idiot because yet again I'm sitting here wasting time on this site while I could be out learning how to set opposed RP's in flaring pin scars to ensure that we don't go the way of the dinosaurs.
  2. I couldn't help but find some humor in Raindawg's post- "As they say... scroll on by if you don't want to read it." Wouldn't

    that be kinda like climbing on by the bolt without clipping it or strolling past the offending crag and climbing somewhere else?


    Poor analogy. Unlike ideas, bolts have a physical reality and there are some of us who think that if they are to be used, they should be rare, especially on public property where not everyone appreciates the current unrestrained ability of anyone to permanently alter OUR rock environment for their personal entertainment.

    Dammit...thread drift...no bolt discussions allowed in MY thread...this thread has to do with hooking up superior specimens to bolster the homo sapiens species' weakening genetic pool.


    go start your own thread to talk about some stupid bolts...sheesh

  3. I was out hiking with my girlfriend for a few days and I come back only to find that I've missed out on 9 pages of yet another bolt thread on CC!


    To make matters worse the thread is locked and I'm unable to voice my very important opinion on this very important and special bolt that I've never seen.


    I couldn't really give a shit about this particular bolt but I do find it interesting that a thread that was staying mostly civil (considering it still is the internet) was ended and locked for what appeared to me to be no good reason. I thought the internet was about free flow of ideas? WTF else are all those tubes for? If people wanna bitch and argue about bolts why is CC trying to stop them?


    The new policy regarding personal attacks is an interesting one. Apparently the admins are having some trouble with it as well considering their inability to enforce this rule with anything resembling consistency. I'm convinced there is a list somewhere with the "made" cc users. Kevbone's probably got a copy by now since I know he's been looking for it as well.


    Seriously OFF, If people want to bitch about bolts why won't CC let them? I followed your advice and came here and found nothing resembling a bolt discussion but rather, whatever this thread is about. I was enjoying the strong opinions being exchanged by experienced climbers regarding an issue they feel very passionately involved in. The only people that were posting personal insults are the same hand full of people who tend to post nothing but sarcastic and personally demeaning posts yet instead of banning them the thread gets locked.


    Maybe I should just stop wasting so much time on this website and pay attention to things that actually matter.


    KirkW...please give me some credit. I didn't rip ANYONE in the actual thread and rather went to spray to make this post. Also, i merely regurgitated what Buckaroo said...that tradclimbers make superior mating stock.

  4. A friend of mine ordered one of those test tube babies, that little tyke is quite the buckaroo!
    Is that the fellow with the daughter who always goes " BOOO BOOO BOOOOO BOOOO "????
  5. Seems to me it pretty much boils down to whether a woman wants a man who has to rehearse the details thirty six times before actually getting around to doing the deed or one who just steps up and gets it done right the first time.


    that's sounds like a "quick fire" solution...

  6. I'm going to argue that it is very vital. Of all my activities climbing is the greatest challenge and keeps me mentally and physically fit more than any other.


    Here's an example. When Steve House and Marko Prezelj did the 3rd ascent (in 30 years) of North Twin, there was a climbing groupie that said she wanted to have Marko's baby. What do you think is going on there?


    What do you propose? That we all lie on the couch with no challenges? Where do you think the species is headed in that case?


    so chicks are more attracted to tradsters than bolt clippers? interesting argument from the planet known as Buckaroo. some people climb because it is fun, others because they think it makes the opposite sex perceive them as superior breeding stock (i.e., "a stud").


    if i've understood you, your argument is that the bolt on city park pitch 2 needs to be removed in order to ensure that human evolution doesn't stagnate -- is that about right?

    that's what i was thinking about his post...i thought "now i have heard every argument against and for trad climbing or bolted sport routes...but golly gee willikers, never heard that line of reasoning before..."


  7. Also the comparison of sport to trad from a resources standpoint is not all that different. Sport climbers use draws with aluminum beaners and Gri-Gri's which are heavy aluminum devices. I was talking more the impact on the rock faces. I will grant you trad is probably no better from an overall viewpoint.


    Hey. Buckaroo! You've made many interesting points but I have to disagree with your latter statement. One of the key environmental points of trad climbing is to place your own gear and remove it, thus leaving the rock in a decent state for the next climber, for generations to come. Sport-climbing is the antithesis of this and leaves a permanent deteriorating metallic trail for all to follow wherever one pleases.


    You want to dumb down the second pitch of City Park even more?....add a few more bolts and make it a sport-like climb...check out "Numbah Ten" just a few dozen yards away.


    And "RuMR: Nice to see that you continue to honor me with one of my favorite quotes."


    anytime Dwayner... :wave:

  8. I hope this is sarcasm.


    Why? Because you wouldn't be able to deal with it if it wasn't?




    Climbing is a bullshit fun activity people do because they enjoy it, not some vital cog in human evolution.


    only as far as you assume. I'm going to argue that it is very vital. Of all my activities climbing is the greatest challenge and keeps me mentally and physically fit more than any other.


    Here's an example. When Steve House and Marko Prezelj did the 3rd ascent (in 30 years) of North Twin, there was a climbing groupie that said she wanted to have Marko's baby. What do you think is going on there?


    What do you propose? That we all lie on the couch with no challenges? Where do you think the species is headed in that case?


    Or hey let's all become sport climbers, our bodies will be fit but we will have fat ass pasty white McDonalds minds, because we have had no mental threat, no mental challenge.


    Everything should be absolutely safe. We should never have to observe and evaluate a situation for danger. Dumb everything down, there will be no need for intelligent decision making.


    Also the comparison of sport to trad from a resources standpoint is not all that different. Sport climbers use draws with aluminum beaners and Gri-Gri's which are heavy aluminum devices. I was talking more the impact on the rock faces. I will grant you trad is probably no better from an overall viewpoint.


    I can't believe this!! ! Holy crap you are on another planet...

  9. I also remember reading mountain magazine (93?) with the article about all the new multi pitch sport routes at index upper town at "modest grades". I promptly headed up and ate some humble pie to say the least and scurried home with my tail between my legs.



    I love index and not that rock climbing is about numbers, but I would have to say index has the stoutest ratings of the 35 US states I've climbed in. Many of the easier routes at areas like the Gunks, etc. are super sandbagged but the higher grades are actually soft compared to out west.




  10. DougT is showing early signs of Raindawg-Pope's disease. if untreated, this disease is can lead to tiresome perseveration and an uncontrollable desire to bombard climbing threads with pictures of carebears, crowbars, and images of yakov smirnof. usually this illness presents as an offer to have a "discussion" in a "100% friendly and open minded way" when in reality no such "discussion" is forthcoming, but rather a ceaseless harangue regarding how the real truth can be found in certain obscure and dated climbing articles from the 1973 chouniard catalogue, etc.






  11. Until Oysterfest, the only way I would eat oysters was raw on the half-shell, with just a splash of fresh lemon.

    At Oysterfest this year, I learned that BBQ'ed on the half-shell with a minced garlic and butter sauce is the new way to go... with a splash of Tobasco. :)...


    Try this Sobo...A chunk of blue cheese with Bacon in the half shell on the barbie!

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