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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. Nobody's pickin' on her, buddy!


    I'm just saying she's got an awesome site that needs updating...quit playing the dashing hero!


    Now go work on some gross butt-scraping sit start to that V0- plastic jobbie that's been kickin' yer arse all over the place...



  2. Did you guys see the "pumping iron" shot? Man, that was funny...good stuff!!! Had no idea what to expect clickin' on that shot...


    Icegirl, haven't seen you in the gym in a while...have you been blowing bubbles???

  3. ahhh...its one of my b-day presents...got a hall-pass and will be out on parole!! Wooohooo...


    Plus, the boss is startin' to climb again!!! I'M SOOOO STOKED!!!!! Although she won't be going w/ me...she'll be going more like March when its warmed up a bit for the little ones. And let's not forget Squamish this summer! Gonna be a kickin' year (except for this work crap, keeps gettin' in the way)...

  4. TLG...That's Will...go up to world wall 1 most any day and he'll be there...


    And regarding Morgoth...Isn't he the guy that Sauron served in the Silmarillion?? I haven't read them (LOTR and other Tolkien stuff) since high school so i may be wrong...

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