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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. Ahhh PP


    I'm with you there...my main climbing partner is this soon to be sixteen year old punkass kid...I struggle up something, figuring "oh, at least ten tries and that MIGHT go down" and he flashes it...


    To be fair though, he's got a ton o' humility and usually says something like "I got lucky on the match" or "Man, fell into the right sequence on that one"...


    He's gonna be scary on rock this year since he's dumping comps...


  2. Dwayner said:

    "Sport-climbing gear issues: difficult decisions required in deciding whether to clip the bolt at your knees, the one in front of your nose, or the one alongside the nearby crack.


    Gym-climbing issue: confronting the fact that climbing a "5.11" your first week in a gym does not mean you are a "5.11" climber anywhere.


    Sport-climbing issue: accepting the revelation that hang-dogging and rehearsing your way up a 5.13 sport route doesn't make you a 5.10 trad-master.


    Gym issue: looking around the room to try and figure out which post-modern pretender is assigning the idiotic names to the ephemeral taped routes.


    Sport-issue: wondering which post-modern pretender thought they were poetic with the idiotic route name assigned to a line of 5 bolts.


    Gym Climbing Issue: being afraid to climb outdoors...it might be cold and such.


    Sport Climbing Issue: climbing with gym rats whose limited skills include belaying from a gri-gri tethered to a floor chain.


    - Dwayner "




    Gym issue: Having to deal w/ the absolute splitting pain in one's abdomen after laughing so hard at so-called "trad-meisters NOT DWAYNER,DON'T WANT TO HURT HIS FEELINGS " (this one's for you, the_finger.gif) trying a V0- sit start


    ...and then listening to them mumbling about "some wicked hard beasty 5.8 moss covered pile of shit 5star classic with a 6 mile approach that those damned sport climbing weenies would shit purple twinkies on..."


    followed by the spew of "back in the old days when climbers climbed REAL rock after hiking through mosquito-infested swamps in stifling heat w/ wicked snowdrifts and avalanches, and it was uphill both directions!!"


    All to cover up the fact that the eleven year old kid just kicked 'em in the shorts hard by campusing that "silly little problem"...











  3. Yeah...but they feel much softer than 5.10 slab climbing anywhere else in the world (like stone mountain, great falls, yosemite, etc.)...DUH!!


    As far as that goes, they don't feel any worse than smiff 10's...which, by the way, aren't true slab climbs, now are they?? They are more face routes than friction climbing, so why the comparison? Of course, if you've never climbed friction b4, its gonna feel insecure...most people take to face climbing better than friction climbing at first... its more natural...BUT it doesn't mean that the ratings are softer or harder...

  4. Distel32 said:

    no, this weekend is going to be devoted to breaking in the new crash pad at squamish. Instead of frozen camping, rain camping. But IIIFFF the forecast holds, might be sweet! 3.5year old climbing? sounds sharmaspicous thumbs_up.gif


    Hmmm...sharma? I don't think so since he's dealing w/ my genes!! I'm not going to push him...the opportunities will be there, if he wants to take advantage of it, i'll enable him...

  5. Distel32 said:

    was down there last weekend, if you're camping bring warm shit!! on saturday night it got into the low teens, pretty damn cold, our tent was pretty much completely frozen. have fun down there! snaf.gif


    Yeah, i kinda considered that...if its super cold at night, i'll grab a hotel...certainly don't want to start out his climbing career in a bad way!!


    You gonna be down this weekend??

  6. Actually, there's a pack of us going down, one of which is his nanny and her husband...its gonna rule, but might be a bit cold...figure five gallon buckets and some of the ramps next to karate wall and then of course, numerous pebble and rock tosses into the river to round out an excellent day!!

  7. He's gone before...but not climbing, just tagging along...he climbs in the gym now, so i'm sure he'll hop on routes...not gonna push him, and I'll climb up w/ him on a twin toprope setup...should be a riot, and he digs roasting marshmellows and camping in a tent!!!

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