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Posts posted by Country_Jake

  1. forgot to mention... Food... Black Butte's bar and restaurant is good, but my favorite breakfast place is the gallary in sisters.... The sisters hotel, has great lunches, and the bar is normaly hopin on a fri & sat night... in the summer anyway... there is an elk ranch just out side of town... kinda cool to check out... although the bulls have lost their horns for the year...

  2. I haven't been over there in a few weeks so I don't know how the snow is but black butte it self is nice, there is a little look out shelter on top, that if its open is a great place to go for a short hike and eat lunch... You can check out black crater great to snow shoe to if the hyway aint closed... if you can't dirve to them the Squaws back ridges are a nice place to hike around on... tumalo falls is a nice hike, but its up around bend... you can do some snow shoeing around big lake, right next to hoodoo ski resort... PCT runs right by big lake, and MT. Washington sits there looking at you...If you decide to go check out the Metolius River there is a nice hike from creek canyon to the fish hatchery, it passes right by wizard falls... although it is not much of a falls... smile.gif" border="0

  3. F@#% yes I'm serious... about the forrest people... I've herd stories about them following big groups for miles... Friends said they have just cought glimpses and found carvings in the trees just beyond camp... never known any one who was killed by one of them but, know people that had their hole packs stolen in the middle of the night, and then found pices of the pack scatered further down the trail...Some of the old timers that have spent years hiking along the trail tell stories of them... some of them have stories of death among the backpacking groups... though the athourities have never found evidence of people they call it bear incidents or missing persons... never murder... call it bears if you want but I no better than to under estimate the forrest people...

  4. www.odot.state.or.us-travel-reports-odotosp2.txt for road conditions although the roads stay closed for awile... maybe longer this year... so much snow...

    speeking of never finding his body, there are tails of vagrant theives and murders who live up in the wilderness of oregon... people have encounrted them along the PCT mostly... and they are not very friendly... hermits living off the land and the thievery of the backpacker... I always pack heat with me when traveling out there...

    Good Luck...

    [ 04-05-2002: Message edited by: Country Jake ]

  5. Sorry scott I wasn't refering to your coment... I was refering to klenkes... But every thing that is so called senthetic in this world can be found in this world... every element is natural... if it weren't then I would not be posable for it to exist... I live in the woods all the time... I live off deer, elk, fish, and naturely grow vegtables, I live in a wood house, have a gravel drive way, build my fences out of wood as well, to keep in my domesticated animals... are my animals not natural because they are not wild beast runnig across the untaimed landscape...

  6. So your saying that when two dogs play around the yard or have a tug-o-war with a chew toy is not a nature act it's just recreation for them... so you don't think other animals don't get board and go out and do something just for recreation... that is considered natural, why is it not considered natural for us to go out and occupie our time with a sport, many other animals do it, dolphins for one...

  7. Ok maybe I'm not the smartest, but do you think that dolfins have any Idea about the other planets, stars, our own sun, what they are made of, not to mention know what the rock we climb are made of or how old they are, we have learnd more about our enviornment that any other creature that lives on this microscopic rock flouting in a sea of perpetual nothingness...

  8. b-rock could have some thing here, when I was at the peak of my in take level, I was really in active, pysicly, not mentaly... but yet I stayed oproximently the same weight, and blood pressure as when I was heavy into my CC sprots, or even now when I'm pretty active...

  9. Ok granted the rock is not alive but has any one seen what vegitation does to rocks... Save the rock is what I say...moss grows like a capet, providing water for shrubs and what nots... their root systems break the rock down... What I want to see is a study on erotion speed caused by plant life... or bug life... all in comperason to humans, both are nature forces in this world... since when did humans become an un-natural force... since when are we not a part of the ecosystem as well... since when is what I would like to know... we are egocentric creature, as is the majority of creatures on this planet, we just happen to be the smartessed... rolleyes.gif" border="0

  10. Sweet dude... I wont a bunch of free computer gear and a nice fat check in return for a little publicety work... dude we're all climber, but we're obviouly all computer nerds as well... why not take the free stuff, the shit is just like having another toy for free or for the use of his name... power on...

  11. The only reson it would make you supid is if you got stoned and did nothing stimulating... wich a lot of stoners do... If you kill brain cells and then don't re-grow or re-attach your dendrites to them, you will obviously lose IQ... but that just comes down to a lazzyness factor and not so much on the useage of the herbs... It's just like drinking... you get drunk (kill some brain cells), come home dich your coat, keys, walet, and what ever else, before going to bed... in the morning you search for your shit for hours because your just that much dumber and you can't remember where you put them... In the case of young people smokin' pot, they are usually stoned wile at school, or wile learning how to do something new, and then the next day forget, because they where stoned at the time... I don't know anybody that hasn't smoked pot at one point in their lives!!!

  12. quote:

    If I'm willing to do the research and figure out what the right crampon is for my particular need, then why should I pay the 20% extra for the privledge of picking it up in person?

    No shit, I recently aquired info on caming devices for this site... and some one had joked about ask the salesperson REI, well I did and found nothing out, because they didn't know any thing about them, just what they herd from a friend... bullshit... The usefull info from this page gave me pretty much the info I needed, exept the recent artical in CLIMB turned me on to the new zeros... haven't bought any yet but I think I'm going to give them a shot...

  13. MysticNacho is right, although our REI caries alliens and a few metolius cams the wild country friends and new zeros are no where to be found... and further more I don't think our store carries any OP & DMM gear, not to mention in the store (not on-line)we can only get one brand of rope... That is redickulass!!!

  14. Oh but kid are so cute... untill they grow up and become jackasses like us... This world is never going to be the same as it was when it started the vegitation and habitats in this world have changed over and over again... But now all of a sudden man has grown a consence, and now wonts to keep the world as it was in the beging... yeh right... come on we need not destroy it, be we need not protect it either... why don't we just start nockin off humans that have no use in the world... by my count that would take out about half of the threat... [laf] ... ok a litttle out there... [laf]

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