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Posts posted by Country_Jake

  1. Bla...Babla...Babla... what a buch of happy horse Shit... Go on all ready and get the F@#% on out of here.... I wont miss your pussy ass... mr. sprays alot... or more like Wanker...

  2. Bla...Babla...Babla... what a buch of happy horse Shit... Go on all ready and get the F@#% on out of here.... I wont miss your pussy ass... mr. sprays alot... or more like Wanker...

  3. I lived in Pendlton For a year, do you mind if I ask why you are moving there, because pesonaly I didn't like it much, kind of a pit where tweekers and alcohalics get sucked into, my persanal preference... plus the only good weed to smoke there was the weed I brought there from Eugene every other weekend... The blues are pretty to hike through, some canyons, with some high cliff walls, but not worth climbing, shitty and brittal rock... But the guys Are right the wallowa mountains in the eagle cap wilderness are the best part of the whole area, If your not set of pendlton yet, check out moving to La Grande....


    Terminal Gravity... I envy your area and would like to some day be permenatly homesteded in your area... by the way Enterprize is pretty small, you know a cat named Greg Gorden, don't think I spelled their last name right, his dad has the same name, and last time I herd he was doing the cement work, on the side walks outside of La Grande (his dad), I think he live in Arizona now though... just Kerious...

  4. SK, the trail I'm talking about was a heavly use Elk trail judging by all the track and heeps of shit every where, I generly try to stick to game trails when going to places I've never been before, since the deer and elk now the best way through the woods... and just because some poeple might have been there before doesn't mean they climbed it and if they did it doesn't mean they climbed the same routs as we did, that is what I meant when I said,


    now because I didn't here of any one climbing this paticular rock before, I
    have to clame first accent on
    our routs

    So why don't you jump on out of my ass, and do something F@#%ing productive with your measly little life... ANKLE

  5. Ok, SK since your from F@#%ing OR.... Oakridge, 2 or three miles east of oakridge on 58 look up to your left... that is heckltooth f@$%ing mountain... and just below it there sits Baby rock, if you want to check on me it is on a topo map too... there is a trail that runs around the side of the mountain and to the crag.... go up and check it out if you think you got the ovaries for it....

  6. quote:

    Dont you mean "used his big balls and ran it out like a well hung man".

    What ever... I just mean if it's in his book then where can i get it so i can see for myself witch routs he climbed... if not I'm just assuming that he might as well have fallen on those bill balls and riped them off...

  7. quote:


    There are no new routes in the Cascades. Fried Bakey climbed all those routes with 5 pitons and a tied off pebble back in 1954.

    Dru do you even have any Idea where I'm talking about....

  8. Three daring souls set out on an adveture last saterday... before I go on.... last week I travel around town asking any one if they had ever climb a list of unnamed outcrops along hyway 58; to my suprize everyone seemed to not even notice the 200-300ft. towers that sit on the ridge line along hyway 58, or if they had never had been up to them, maybe it is because you have to ford a river, then climb a steep (40 degrees) or so slope to get to them... anyways, three of us set out at 8:00am drove east from Eugene into the cascades, to a little town I like to call cokeridge... [laf] ... we made our jurney to the rock known as BABY ROCK ... don't be fouled by the name this rock is no baby.... we hiked to the saddle between the rock and the ridge, and eat a nice lunch... then climbed and climbed and climbed... now because I didn't here of any one climbing tis paticular rock before, I might have to clame first accent on our routs... My fried and climbing partner doug, climbed a 5.10 face climb with a 5.10d crux at the top; now known as falcons flight, he got on sight as well... I on the other hand did not get on sight, as I fell on my first try at Jack of all trades, a 5.9 face followed by a 5.10 finger crack, followed by a narrow 5.6 chimmney, fell on the finger crack... and our therd partner did an easy 5.6 hand crack... we also did another chimny up and out over to the left of falcons flight... and just to cool down before our hike to the top of heckeltooth mountain, we did some bouldering on some small towers within the visinety... the view from the top of the mountain was great; a picture perfact view of Dimond peak... all and all the trip was great, I was thankfull for the 12 pack of beer waiting at the truck for us... [big Drink]

  9. The kiss of death.... I agree with you on that one... I hate climbing with a bunch of people, espesaly on a boulder... in fact I seek out thoses spots that haven't been publisized, or at lease you don't hear a ton about... climbing with out that 70s butt aholic is where i'm going...

  10. I where shorts while climbing..... all the time every time.... some nice baggy cargos.... If it is cold, i where long johns on under them.... no need to get expencive, trendy climbing pants, unless that is you work at REI.....

  11. I'm right behind ya sk.... kick those motherless pigs ass... or at least yell at them enough that they don't wont to come back... And projecthex, go F@$% your self you panzie ass pigf@#%er... cram that hex right up your bitchy butt and then I'll clip in, maybe take a fall or two on it and we'll see how you like that... [Eek!]

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