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Posts posted by Country_Jake

  1. quote:

    Smoking bowls in the public hut is for losers.

    So whats wrong with smokin' bowls man, 151 tastse like puke... it leaves the same aftertaist in my mounth as regurgetated milk... shocked.gif" border="0 ... i gotts ta stick with the jeiger

  2. Whats wrong with China? If it works then use it. I mean are we really going to go to all the effort to reasurch the manufacturing of a coffee maker or how about your washer and dryer, mybe, just maybe I'll give all that shit away to some one who really needs it... [laf] ... wouldn't that be great or should I say ironic that I would give a homeless person a coffee maker made by a eight year old... but really folks, It would be nice to save the world.... but is it our right to do so... confused.gif" border="0

  3. The only experiance I have with no sleep and mountainering is a three day no sleep trip through the Willowas in ne oregon... And I do mean trip... the only way I could have made it was the help from my good friend Qubinzie... I saw wildlife that probably wasn't there, sat in a homemade sweatlodge for half of one day, and conquered three peaks, though I can't recall if it really happened or not. shocked.gif" border="0

  4. Your east of the cascades there... all the hardnosed liberal tree huggin' rangers live over hear in the western part of the state... you just have to deal with the ruff necks... that cowboy country out of Redmond. I wouldn't worry too much about over night stays if your not in the camp ground... Just find a cool spot and squat for a day or two. smile.gif" border="0

  5. It may be a long drive for some...If the cmp grounds are full and loud, heven forbid that you should camp out side of a camping area disided by the government... criky man get a hold on your self, negitivity is not an anwser... It is a great place for us Oregon boys to go play around on... Quack

    [laf][laf][laf][laf][laf][big Drink][big Drink]

  6. Warm welcome or not man... The fact that he was refering to a mag artical wich stated no real facts is obserd. It is outragious that The editor of the mag would even allow the review with the clame of great climber who have no names, unless this was there own company mag... which would be kind of funny [laf] ... shameless prick... how dare he insult the good people of the NORTHwest with his poor business skills, and further more what is wrong with slug... I think they probably do more vertical climbing than any other creature of their stature... [geek]





  7. I'm an exellent map reader and have a great topo map program for my comp. but I would just like to have views of a few ridges... such as the ridge that runs along north fork of milk creek ending at the top of Jefferson park GL.; The ridge runing from actual jeferson park up between whitewater and Jefferson park GL.; Or the pass between Russel and Jefferson park GL., smile.gif" border="0

    I wouldn't mind taking one of the southern ridges but I kinda would like to Base Camp at Jefferson park, and go up from there. grin.gif" border="0

  8. I'v climbed 3figer jack, mt. Whashington, Dimond, and others in the south, but don't have any glacer experience,


    If a couple of guys wanted to take MT. Jefferson without glacer and snow which rout and what time of year would be suitable?


    Mi is nas cearta an damhan-allaidh air am balla

    tongue.gif" border="0

  9. I only have a few lock beans that I use on my harnesses.... I like them, the gate opens offset just a little so it is more efficant, or at least when your at the top of a peak and you looking down at death itself, you can easaly clip into your repeling gear.

    Exelent job on the prison case here guys...I say work on, for what the %*!@ else are they gonna do while in prison, PICK THEIR ASS. [laf]

  10. My bad guys, and thanx to Alex for knowing where I'm talkin' about even though I'm a shmuck.

    I haven't been back there for years, I used to work for some outfitters, running a pack string during the summers... I loved to just see wich peak I could climb up, on my time off, but Because I am inexperienced I couldn't tell you what kind of routs they were.I did mostly free climbing during thoughs summers but now have found some brains and bought some gear. since then i'v climbed some of the oregon volcanos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mi is nas cearta an damhan-allaidah air am balla rolleyes.gif" border="0

  11. Any one climbed Lizerds head in the Rockies?

    Or any of the peaks between The green river valley and Laramie (Wyoming)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mi is nas cearta an damhan-Allaidh air am balla

  12. Bella Colla B.C., during the summer mounths and then down to Joshiwa tree nsl park during the winter... Or at least that is were I wish I migrated to every year

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [Moon] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mi is nas ceatra an damhan-allaidh air am balla

  13. spring starts tomarrow, and I got snow in my back yard... at 1000ft. its ferkin' march mannn... snow snow go away!!!



  14. For Alpine Tom... Very Ivestigator of you to pull that one out of the book...


    But no matter where the trees stand the is shure to be a view, and where there is a view there is something to climb. Those trees have been lookin' down on us since the beging of time... Or at least the starting of the vegitation period.


    Lost and found in the light of my eye,

    Greater than me,

    Mi is nas cearta an damhan-allaidh air am balla!!!

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