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Posts posted by Country_Jake

  1. great quote Erik...

    "an old bull and a young bull are sitting on the hill, the young bull says lets run down to the valley and fuck one of those cows, The old bull looks at him and says lets walk down there and fuck them all"

    AL Simms Kent fire dept.

  2. I'd be interested in bio-fuel if I new what it was... where can I find some info as I'm buying a new truck at the end of the year.. And I have no problems with desil trucks, my only problem with enviormentaly friendly veicals is that the pussy three cylinder/elctic motors produce about as much horsepower as my ferkin' electric pocket pussy....

  3. So what would the effect be on a "smaller" country... wouldn't the increace of temp. added with an increace of rain fall be a good thing for a country that is souly propeled by aguculture, not to mention the plants would have more of their kind of air to breath.... I agree that us as an industrial country has the obligation to be aware and to try to better our effect on the world... but.... the other part of me wants to drive my big truck around town and do burnouts and stoplights... wink.gif" border="0

  4. All right so It wouldn't cause another iceage but my point is why would it be so bad... maybe an increace of persipation would cause the rivers in the mountains to cut deeper canyons, more climbing areas... or not... but thats not my point eitheer... would it be so bad if part of the 6 billion dumb shits on this planet kicked the bucket, just don't build a house on the beach and expect it to be there in for the next couple of hundered years... the earth is going to be here a lot longer than man kind will, thank the god of evolution... so we are just a force of nature a natural element that has a huge impact on the earth... she'll be ok in the long run, and if not then we are no more than a disease, put here to consume every resorce in site... we diserve to kill our selves... shocked.gif" border="0

  5. dude I don't know why dog like to eat shit but my big dog Cleo will eat horse shit any avalable time... she'll stand there munchin' down wile watching me so she can stop and run away if I catch her doin' it... I just don't kiss my F@#% dogg man...

  6. Any body have any Idea how warm this earth was when our great cascades where formed... Oh thats right we weren't around back then... how the F@$% do we know whats a good climate change.... The water has to melt out of the glacies before it can be evaperated in higher amounts.... right???? so wouldn't that mean that we could be causing warming only to cause another Iceage...

  7. Don't mind the man at the gate tell him country sent you and he'll let ya on in... I'll have a bar set up and servin bottomless cups... Sat. 4/20 talked to the band, and they're all set up to play, I just gotta work out a time frame.... hey Will e-mail and I''ll talk to ya about directions if your thinkin' of comin'....

    And to all those seattle area pub clubers... this ones for you... If your in the area stop on by...

  8. So watchya doin' on the 20th of april.... only ten days away... gotta party down on mother mary's holiday... I was thinkin' of doin' a celibration... if any of U cats would be in town (Eugene) on 4/20/02 was thinkin' of havin' my friends "The Rythem Pimps" play in my barn and dance around a triple kegger... I donno, any you cats gonna be down this way...

  9. Ya ok f@#%ers... you guys rrr the ones bring up the; oooo check out the cooool new web site man.... all I said is that marketing is marketing we don't gotta like the shit... just don't not buy some thing good because you don't like the poor marketing skills of the company... so go take urrr stupid and shove it up his daddies ass, soulless, dickless, bitchless, son of a dogless mother suckers...

    [ 04-10-2002: Message edited by: Country Jake ]

  10. Is advertizing ever not a bitch... I wonder because there will always be people like us to slash down their new and trendy ideas of selling stuff... most of the time it is not the advertizers, or it is.... who are self dalutional, and have a big fat dilldo up some where unknow to the intelect of any sane shmuck with a brain... but they keep popin' these dumb ideas out to sell shit... but we still buy it if the product is good... granted I will never buy, own, or even let any GAP apearal in to my house; but if so called eddie buawer style catilogs like BD are efencive enough that you wont buy a new BD quickdraw, or a BD hexnut, then your a F#$@ dumb shit, to pass up good merchendice, because it happens to look like an eddie buawer catalog... I say no more... frown.gif" border="0

  11. The rainbows suck man... I was in prinvile during their big in-campment there... and had to go to the hospital for a buddies infection in his leg wile we were camping... saw one of those dudes lyin' there with chest hair grow ing through his t-shirt... he smelled up the hole F#$%in' e-room... frown.gif" border="0

  12. I don't know man... human theives and killers are a lot easyer to belive than big hair creatures no one has ever seen... or at least can proove...I know that i'm convinced enough that I don't go out there with out packin' some heat...

    [ 04-08-2002: Message edited by: Country Jake ]

  13. I don't know about the best place.... but the best time I got high was on top of Three finger Jack during a solo... I was sitting on the ledge, kinda cuby hole like one to the south, where the wind wouldn't catch me... as soon as I put the pipe down two eagles swuped up from down below... they circled around the peak and I for, mustive been, ten to fifteen min.... they where almost within touching distance at times... It was truly an inlightening experiance... of coarse no one has as good of dope as us eugene hippies, so it took me an hour to get the balls up to climb down from the summit....

  14. come Eugene pub club this week I'd like to meet some of the other eugene climbers, I have some boulders in my yard... i'm a Coburger, a ruffneck climber with little to no attitude... but I'm greedy and I'd like to meet youguys before I let you climb on private land...

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