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Posts posted by Country_Jake

  1. For the sake of all that is good and moldy... Please double check all gear and techniques....


    accident Report: My 17 year old climbing partner was climbing last wen. and took a nasty fall... this young man was on the verg of being great... a hell of a lot better climber than I am... although his repeling technique is a little shaddy... after soloing a route and then on his way back down the rope sliped from his hand... a 45 foot fall later, he landed on his feet, chrushing several vertibets... and cracking sereval more.... Broken back... he is out of comision for at least a year.... but at least he is not paralized...


    I wish none of you the same... and hope you will double check your shit for the sake of your friends and family...

  2. One and the same ty, thanks for the suport ya'll I'll be sure to let him know that we all are hopin' for the best, I'm off to set up his bedroom for when he gets back from the Hospital today.... late...

  3. How far below the tree line does the snow lay??? Did you run into many masquetos yet???


    The reason I ask is that I have a budy that is up from yucca valley and wanted to take him up three finger jack or mt. Washington, but last year when I waited for the trail to clear the blood sucking bugs where so bad that we had to cover every inch of skin with thick clouthing... repelant had no effect what so ever...

  4. Much better to rope up in teams of two, I only rope up with one person and one person only... if there are any one else coming on a trip, I make them find a another person that they trust to rope up with... I don't do trains... [laf]

  5. There is no pioson ivy growing in Oregon... most people mistake pioson oak for ivy, because it grow in three different forms, a small and manly leaf veriety that is in the shade or undergrowth, a large woody shrub in the open clearings, and a very devious vine that usally cralls up trees or better yet the side of a nice climb... the leaves of the vine like oak even resemble posion ivy leaves; as you mite guess it is mistaken for pioson ivy... another fact about the oak is that it dosn't grow above a sertain elevation, not sure exsactly how high but it is very evedent when climbing up a slope that is coverd with the baster brush and then all of a sudden it is never seen again untill you're on your way back down... have seen it when climbing up in the mountains? have you seen it when you are on the aproach to a wall in the lower valley areas? A very good way to avoid the nasty rash one might get is by observation... know your plants, it might just save you life some day...

  6. There is a Baker in Oregon... It depends if you are going into the Bitter roots Or if you Are going into the eagle caps.... The eagle caps on the south side sould be good, the north side is the side that is questionable... that is where I am going this weekend over by Terminal Gravity... Joseph - Enterprize area.... Back to Backer in Oregon, I think it is 36 not 39 that goes into the mountains...

  7. quote:

    North of the town of Mitchell there's a hamlet called Twickenham on the John Day river. Some interesting rock and cliffs along the river. Most of its pretty junky, but there's some places to set up a toprope along the canyon cliffs. A mix of volcanic and sedimentary stuff. I just played around on some rock along the river maybe 5-10 miles downriver of the bridge crossing: put on an old pair of climbing shoes, go swimming, then boulder up as high as you want onto the cliffs along the river and jump off into the deep pools. Much fun. There's some neat narrow slot canyons cut into sedimentary rock in places. Lots of cool fossil beds in the area.

    If you are talkin' about the canyons east of mitchel... 5-10miles down river from bridge... than it is on Rattlesnake creek... they don't call it that for no reason... I was there in early june last year and had encounters with three big toothed snakes... My bad I just realized where you where talkin' about, rattlesnake creek is on the hyw. to john day, not mitchel, or is mitchil on that hyw. too; it early still... any ways there are a lot of snakes in that area, specialy now that it is comin' on summer.... comin' out the hole better to bitecha...

  8. oh yeah, forgot about glacier mtn. bullrun mtn. elv. in the high eights, nice climb... well there agian I should say hike... mmmmm and a little close to john day, or i should say cannyon city, is canyon mtn., but as far as good climbing is conserned, since you've gotten usta smith, your fucked... if you like to fish, go to Ukiha and check out Camas creek, or you should say crick in those parts, cool area stop and get a brew at the tavern... say hi to jack for me... a yocal local


    [ 05-15-2002, 08:18 PM: Message edited by: Country Jake ]

  9. quote:

    Umm I hate to tell you guys this but Men who ride hogs Don't drink goat piss, or horse piss. They drink whisky Often single malt scotch, But never shit beer. They take too much pride in their drinking

    I hate to tell ya but your wrong about the piss beer... right about the whisky though... I usta live down the street from a Free souls hang out, and they would have kegs of the ceepest beer they could get their hands on... and if your thinkin' of calling me a liar agin its off of olgal street, just off hyw. 99 down by the R.R. tracks... [Razz]

  10. quote:

    Just because we're married doesn't mean I own her. I do not approve of or support everything she does, but that doesn't take away her right to live her life as she chooses to do so.


    Yeah, I know what she's been doing around here. And no, it doesn't get me all hot and bothered.


    So she's a bit of a flirt? I can't change her, so I choose to accept her for who she is, be that what it may.

    Sounds like a wouped man if you ask me... I don't no about a flirt but shes a bit of a bitch though...

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