not until that damn sunshine cools her jets...Hot...I tell u....HOT in Leavenworth this last weekend...of course at 6700' it was nice and cool in the sunshine.
prusik goes free if you don't aid.
SEW= south early winter spire,WA pass
BCW &cobra are in the iciclecreek valley, L-town. Cobra is only 3-4pitches.
BCW is many pitches.
apparently this morning I-5 had a traffic jam due to state employee jumping off the Capitol Way bridge onto I-5. Yes the cool arching bridge in Tumwater...
its' ALL gary's fault!!!!!!!!!!!!
is this true or a office rumor....
i personally think that making a judgement of the amount of snow on the north ridge from the west ridge would be a bit tricky and not really helpful if one wants to go climb the north ridge in the immediate future...just my opinion tho.
as backes said "Lose the fear and DIE!"
Everyone can push themselves along that thin line but, going over that line and coming back is a learned skill via experience and time.
ya know this makes me think america really is trying to be like canada...
they have french/english.
we are trying to have spanish/english..
fukin stupid.
I too hate english/espanol choice for ATM's, etc.
WHO is in charge anywayS?????