For all,
Any safety gear no matter what is the testing agency is not fail proof…the way I see it one will pay for the connivance of having the gear and not manufacturing it. one can always climb Elbsandsteingebirge style where making the “gear” and” testing” it is up to the individual. It is not that I give the manufactures a tickets for lower their QC all I am saying is that one cannot blindly trust anything one did not made, inspected and tested throughout its manufacturing process and life. The method of redundancy while placing gear is there for a reason the method of old school of the leader should never fall is there b/c of hard lessons learned…even with individual testing (of every piece) methods for half strength it still will not be fail proof… I wonder how many pieces were subjected to 2 or 3 half load testing before metal fatigue or how many half loads testing on the same specimen will accrue before failure and where the average failure point/s is/are …
As far as the manufacture liability concern…same oll story we have laws and regulation to obey by so whatever is their claims and advertisement they will held liable against it with help of a good lawyer…still till the next red flag will raise and it will… one should use judgment and caution when trusting their life or anything to that effect. is another one ...go for it