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Everything posted by sexual_chocolate

  1. so you are blaming bush for these developments? the article somewhat vaguely speaks of putin signing a "new doctrine into force" in 2000....
  2. that's such bs i can't believe people are even saying it. you don't build a fucking zoo that the animals can escape from. it's pretty frickin' no brainer shit we're talking about. should the kids have been taunting the animals? of course not. it's as fucked up as having zoos in the first place. but it's pretty damn obvious that you build zoos to CONTAIN man-eating animals. again, i can't even believe this point is being argued. "ah gee, let's build the cage to contain animals, UNLESS THEY ARE BEING TAUNTED. yeah, that makes sense, cuz nobody will taunt the animals. yeah, that's it." have a friggin clue.
  3. it's pretty sucky how those credit card companies are allowed to create crises by loaning money, isn't it? i mean come on, all those poor suckers being manipulated into borrowing money and using their credit cards. the humanity!
  4. you seem like the type of guy i'd like to meet....
  5. i hold the zoos entirely responsible, whoring wild animals for the amusement of domesticated animals. both types of animals were pretty much doing what comes natural, and the zoo did not protect EITHER animal type from the unfortunate events that unfolded.
  6. if screwing your tits didn't make me gay, i don't think affectations such as "oh my" will, honey bunch. now i get to go to work, gripper boy. booyea. how was the gym last night? gym was rad. good vibe and hard climbing.
  7. if screwing your tits didn't make me gay, i don't think affectations such as "oh my" will, honey bunch. now i get to go to work, gripper boy. booyea.
  8. democrats ran from the clinton legacy. kennedy did this. so did reagan. i'd imagine this has happened a few times in our illustrious history. democrats have never increased spending?? nor any other president??? oh my, the rich history of government giveaways to corporations is nothing new. no other country is engaged in as high-profile a war right now. also remember the brits in basra. same twisted shit from any country engaged in this kind of crap. which "strategic alliance" are you referring to exactly? anyways, i think the rest of your complaints can be treated in a similar manner as above, meaning: there are ample historical precedents for the conduct Bush has engaged in. fyi, i'm not a bush supporter, but the hyperbole just gets a bit tedious, the whole sky is falling song and dance routine.
  9. you are a strange christian. yes, it is ok to cry. jesus himself wept. you would be like the romans judging him.
  10. yes, that was the joke. :-) alright, cool, so you do love her after all. now off to the gym! see ya all.
  11. judge not, lest ye be judged. you don't know why she was crying. what log? plus, i do not claim to be a christian, therefore i do not suffer from the hypocrisy of a self-proclaimed christian attacking others.
  12. ok ok, i thought you meant she was crying crocodile tears.
  13. i thought christians were supposed to be loving and charitable? why don't you figure out why she was crying, instead of being a sinner? she's a crocodile your partisanship will allow you no other possibility.
  14. do you really think it's that bad? i fail to see it as the most drastically and acutely horrendous period the US has ever suffered through because of a presidency. hell, things aren't even that "bad"! i think it's partisanship that colors your outlook something severe.
  15. i thought christians were supposed to be loving and charitable? why don't you figure out why she was crying, instead of being a sinner?
  16. ah man, you didn't even define "significant". but ok. foreign investors (saudi arabia, kuwait, japan, korea etc) see a gold mine in battered US financials with the downturn and weak dollar, so they are snapping up ownership of citigroup, merrill lynch etc. for what seems like a song. basically it's indicative of a belief that the recent troubles are of course cyclical, and have pushed prices to unrealistic levels. i personally think that the mitigatory process might take a few years, but that these stocks will rebound strongly. i'm reminded of boeing stock in '01 or so, sitting at around 30 a share. umm, no brainer? i think it was up to 107 recently. so almost a %400 percent return in five years. compare that to a standard bond return, or cd or such. sure there's a gamble involved, but life's a gamble, and some gambles smell like something youthful and vigorous.
  17. the surge is working, the shiite government wants the US there, the economy and the stock market have both been booming the last few years.... McCain in '08?
  18. btw for anyone interested, yesterday's wall street journal has a great front page article about citigroup, merrill lynch, foreign investment, and the us economy.
  19. it's all Greek to me i know we're on different sides of the fence on this issue, but what cracks me up is running into down and out paid signature collectors trying to get you to support the elimination of estate taxes and other such taxes that support the very infrastructure that the down and out might use to give their lives a little help. i was just making a joke about your use of hoi polloi. :-) yeah, but just felt like throwing in a non-sequitur for the hell of it.
  20. "significant" in what way?
  21. it's all Greek to me i know we're on different sides of the fence on this issue, but what cracks me up is running into down and out paid signature collectors trying to get you to support the elimination of estate taxes and other such taxes that support the very infrastructure that the down and out might use to give their lives a little help.
  22. hey i know! let's cut taxes on the richest again to stimulate the economy! every natural downturn in the economy will serve as a wonderful excuse to eventually eliminate all taxes! link. i wish the fallacy of this kind of logic was a bit more transparent to the hoi polloi....
  23. somewhat vague prognostication on citigroup: link
  24. oh yeah? now i will call all of you names, by your names. see if you can stand it. who can stand it, really, in the end. can god stand it? i am standing.
  25. you seem to be continuing with your comprehension problems. it does match rather nicely with your humor problems and your analysis problems though. you did get the moron part right though. ah yes, drinking and posting: here's a reason not to.
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