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Everything posted by sexual_chocolate
What's up with the strange metaphors of a strained and ill sexuality with pope's posts? He speaks of "rape" and "abortion", throwing them out there as if no woman had ever experienced the horrors associated with both. What has hurt you so deeply? Is the bolting issue for you an extension of the environmental degradation that we, as a people, have caused? Or is it an issue that stands outside of context entirely, something completely personal and subjective, simply existing as something "ugly" that removes challenge, because you say so? Sometimes I get the feeling that you want to hold the world hostage to your views, for I see very little in the way of an attempt to even TRY to understand or compromise. It's always a resort to some rigid ideal of how it's all "supposed" to be. The degree of passion that you feel is admirable, I suppose, but I wonder if this passion could be channeled in a direction that actually spoke of change; an attempt to actually change the environment we live in? Because, as I see it now, your voice is only concerned with lament and complaint; nothing positive seems to be brewing.
Come on, guys! How 'bout a little "sexual chocolate"? MMMmmmmmmmmmmm! There's nothin' like it!
old school climbers vs. sport climbers
sexual_chocolate replied to MysticNacho's topic in Climber's Board
Ummm.... Do we really have an issue here? Hello.... The Traddy Wishes Thanatos would kill Dionysus, once and for all. Only owns a black and white TV, 'cause all the colors just make everything too confusing.... Pretends to like climbing, but just needs an excuse to try to prove himself to his father. Wants his son to be just like him; mom can take care of the daughter. Would never use a Gri-Gri; technology is frightening. Plus, Yvon Chouinard didn't use one. Thinks the stick up his butt is constipation, but Metamucil doesn't help. Secretly wants to join a militia, but what would Royal Robbins think? Really likes the Taliban's views on right and wrong, but the turban would interfere on 5.6 slab-climbs. And last, but not least... Really believes that "life was better in the good ol' days", when men were men, and ... well... men were men. What do you mean you don't understand? -
So do people agree with my initial grade assessments? I really think Rainy Day Women is 11d/12a, NOT 11c. What did it say in the old guide? And Hung Out to Dry? Any input on this would be most appreciated. And jblakeley, I LOVE my name! If you wanna get to know the real me, maybe we can meat? And is Captain Neanderthal-man still feeling motherly?
Yes! I've got big toe pain! No one else I know of has it, until now. It even hurts to walk sometimes, but I've begun to massage the sore spots, and it's getting better. I've always worn way tight shoes. Coming back to haunt me....
What are some controversial ratings in the book? I don't have it or want it, but I'll put my two cents in.... Well? Lemme go at 'em.
Jes' kiddin' 'bout "Cali..."; original ratings are right on. 12d and 13a. Jes' flippin' some flak to sum won.
Register your complaints at the ranger station! Serious. He's OUR employee, if'n ya know what I mean. Public servant. Just make your complaints respectful and intelligent, so they have the most impact. And don't forget to call and write and email the politicians about the wilderness fee extensions. No renewal. No pay to play. No fees for using our own land! Public lands=no user fees!
But he didn't do them from the ground up. I heard he rap-cleaned and rehearsed them first.
Also, Californicator should only be 12c, while the extension, Californication, should be 12d.
Rainy Day Women at Little Si. He claims 11c. The original rating of 11d/12a seems more accurate. Hung Out to Dry, Little Si. 12b is better than 12a, thinks I. Can't think of any other disagreements. I don't own the book.
Hi Charlie. Thanks. And sorry for going so off on ya. Got tweaked. I am a sensitive piece of chocolate sometimes. French chocolate. And then when sexuality gets thrown into the mix... volatility. And your last point: that was the reason for my grade input. To solidify a consensus. So that people have an idea of what they are climbing. Hence, my input on Rainy Day Women et al. I don't really like the down-rating that happens sometimes, down-rating that's based on people getting things wired and then down-rating the route. Rainy... is NOT 11c. It simply isn't. It is harder. And I feel Hung Out to Dry's difficulty is more accurately, again, denoted by its original rating. Two routes, ORIGINALLY rated harder than what Smoot says. No spray here, just an attempt to create an intelligent consensus based on as much objectivity as possible, NOT peoples strange motives to down-grade certain Little Si routes. These are the first routes that many people will climb at these grades; let's not sand-bag them. I've climbed a lot of routes at a lot of different locales; this is why I feel as I do on this one. If I misunderstood the reason for your post, then a coherent explanation as to WHY would have sufficed. But anyways, I hope there are no hard feelings. I know a lot was said; hopefully it can be forgotten.
Ah yes! Thanks Captain Caveman, for the warnings on violence! Would've expected that from a Neanderthal. (GRRRRRR.) And Charley, just a thought: before you go slamming someone for voicing their opinion in response to your thread, check your head. Read your initial reply to my initial posts; maybe you'll see my reason for being pissed. And now we seem to get to the real issue: yes, many enjoy climbing hard, damn hard, as hard as they feckin' can! And yeah, then they even have the NERVE to talk about it! Absolutely! I'm damn psyched about how hard I climb, 'cause I have a blast pushing myself, and doing things I only dreamed of in the past. And I'm damn psyched for anyone who's doing the same. And as you pout away, perhaps you could even have the decency to apologize, 'cause your sanctimony certainly warrants it.
Charley: Damn! I was right! You ARE a seventy-year old lady! I had a bet with a friend.... "You were offering to give your opinion. I was not looking for an opinion..." Last time I checked, grades were very much about opinion. Nothing but opinion, yo. If they weren't, we wouldn't squabble about them, now would we? Hello? Anybody there? Got your hearing-aid on, Gramma? And now you're gonna take the old guides ratings as sacrosanct? Well what the hell kind of guide are you writing, and why the hell ya writing it? Ya gots new goods for the masses? New routes? Or will this simply be "Grade corrections, by Charlie." Followed by a one-page narrative: "Check OLD guide-books for proper grades." And, btw, my initial route grade opinions that I posted reflected a previously PRINTED grade designation. Check your head, Gramma. And maybe go climbing more so you can come up with some of your own OPINIONS.
Wow Charlie, I think you need some chocolate! And an unfortunate reminder: telephoning went up! 35 cents now, yo! So slide me 12 cents so I can call yo mama and tell her about her impatient and RUDE little boy! 'Cause you be gettin' nasty! She be needin' ta deliver you a slappin'! Do you notice your idiotic hypocrisy when contrasting your sanctimonious admonition to my post with the contents of your previous posts? "The intention of this post is to provide a resource of information, not speculation- we all know that most of the 5.8s at vantage are really 5.7, and the 5.10s should be 5.8.... i just wanted to be able to write in the correct (previously established, not new opinions) ratings into my new book, and thought others might want to do the same.-------here's what i have spotted so far- Vantage: the uprising(says 5.7, should be 5.8), easy off(says 5.10c should be 5.10b), tangled up in blue(says 5.10c should be 5.9) narlux(says 5.11a should be 5.10c)....Castle Rock: angle(says 5.10b, should be 5.10a) damnation crack(says 5.8 should be 5.9)" Boy Charlie, those seem like serious differences on a few routes you note above! Careful before someone kills themself! Check your head before pandering to your idiot sense of sanctimony. Your "project", as it stands, seems worthless.
"There were FIVE parties on it (and we were the first - poor other guys, I don't climb so fast . . .)" He goes to the left, he goes to the right, if he went straight, .... You're never gonna get your shower, dear fella! Climbed 12-Gauge IQ at the Rhythm-n-Blues cliff. Almost puked, but got it. Brill climb! That was it for that day, as darkness and mosquitos descended upon us. Where's Coach, where's Coach?