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Everything posted by JayB

  1. Cool. Thanks
  2. Enough with the Beck bashing already. The guy's got a lot experience and I appreciate the information he shares about gear on this board.
  3. The point was actually that we don't need to physically control resources to aquire all that we need, all we need is the money to pay for it and the market will take care of the rest. The only exception is when someone has a true monopoly on supply, which has never been, and never will be true in the case of oil. Besides, your claim has been that the US's motivation for invading Iraq was to secure the oil supply (not necessary) or for monetary gain (impossible to achieve in practice). The notion that oil companies are capable of orchestrating this whole venture, or would deem the risk of even contempating an attempt to try something that would utterly destroy their companies when they were already making considerable profits without taking any such risks is even more laughable. Yeah - the motion authorizing Bush to use force in Iraq didn't pass by an overwhelming majority in both parties, and in both houses of Congress. There was actually a secret Cabal of oil execs that orchestrated the whole thing behind closed doors. Sound reasoning, and lots of evidence to support that one. Throw in references to Area 51, UFO's, etc. and you'll be on your way to a article worthy of inclusion in the Weekly World News right next to the story about the Werewolf Pimp terrorizing hookers in Havana. The best part about this theory is the bumbling inneptitude of this cabal, which failed to seize the Iraqi oil when we had a half a million troops over there in '91 and an environment in which world opinion would have been soundly behind driving straight into Baghdad and toppling the regime. Makes sense.
  4. Specifics. Still waiting for economic rationale for intervening in Somalia, the Balkans, and Afghanistan. Throw in Vietnam, Korea, and both World Wars for fun. Be sure to omit any reference to the geopolitical circumstances which precipitated WWII and sustained the Cold War as per your thesis. This should be good. Some parts will require math though.... If you add up the cost of Iraq in dollars, plus the real-interest* we will pay to finance it, and factor in the economic losses which will result from higher interest rates, and the diversion of capital away from productive investments and into taxes to cover the bill, the cost of the intervention (a more realistic way to look at the costs) becomes even more staggering, and the notion that we are there for purely economic reasons looks still more absurd (hint: If you spend more than you make on an investment, you then have a *loss* not a *profit*), yet this will have little or no affect on the Blood for Oil crew because such things (the fact that the US could sell every ouce of oil in Iraq and still lose an enormous amount of money)have very little to do with the motivations for this belief. The only way a producer can exert complete control over the price of a commodity is by means of a durable monopoly. There never has been, nor will there ever be such a situation with respect to oil, and market forces ultimately obliterated the attempt to create one in the 1970s. The fact of the matter is that Middle Eastern regimes have to sell their oil or implode, and given their high birth rates, bloated state sectors, and persistent failure to diversify or modernize their economies, this will remain true indefinitey. Even if some figure succeeded in creating an Islamic Megastate and cut off all oil supplies to the world, this would be true, as the said state would eventually have to sell oil to someone if they wanted to oh, say - eat - and while the economic damage would be massive, they would suffer at least as much, and most likely quite a bit more than the oil consumers if they tried such a move. Finally, the unprecedented demand resulting from such a restriction in supply would eventually both restore oil to the market and lead to permanent shifts away from oil in energy production in the manner that I outlined above, both of which would be detrimental to the people in the masochistic Megastate for the remaider of its existence, if it hadn't already crumbled by then. As an aside, I think its especially ironic when Lefties pretend that they have elevated themselves above the pedestrian economic concerns which preoccupy the rest of mankind, or espouse ideals and/or champion causes inimicable to the orderly operation of the global economy, in that any suffering brought about by events which have an adverse affect on the economy always have and always will have a massively disproportionate impact on the folks that the Left claims to be most interested in helping, e.g. the poor and downtrodden around the world. Yeah, a collosal (yet transient) petroleum embargo recession that utterly suppressed demand for the few things that the folks in the third world can actually produce and sell to buy food, medicine, machinery, etc and ultimately precipitated starvation, plague, and catastrophic social unrest in the world's poorest nations would be just the thing to teach Uncle Sam a lesson. *You may need to look this up
  5. Just bought some WB-400 pants from beyondfleece.com after reading many positive reviews of the fabric (and the company) elsewhere. Will post a review or something once I've had a chance to use them...
  6. Pinochet was the dictator in Chile. Not Argentina. Pinochet and his regime were terrible, but neither come anywhere close to regimes that the left enthusiastically supported for the duration of the past century, and will gleefully support in the future if there is ever a nation masochistic enough to attempt a Marxist revival.
  7. See above.
  8. If your thesis that there is a one-dimensional economic explanation behind every American use of force was correct it would have to explain every use or deployment of that said force. We currently have significant numbers of troops permanently stationed in Europe, Korea, and Japan on a permanent basis. Are we spending billions "propping up" these nations to secure favorable prices on a commodity? If so, please identify it. Better yet, put forth figures in which you demonstrate that the tax-revenues generated by these expenditures actually exceed the outlay required to secure them - which would be the only reason to undertake such ventures if the objective was to make money - then do the same for Iraq. I'll even give you a hand. Take the total potential taxes generated by profits on the sale of Iraqi oil, then divide to the total projected cost of invading, occupying, and rebuilding Iraq, plus interest.The figure you'll get will be a rough estimate of the number of years it would take for the intervention to break even. Add that figure to the current date, and you'll have a rough idea of when the US will turn a profit on this one. This will probably be easy for you, since you naturally took all of these factors into account prior to reaching your conclusions. Once you have finished, continue and explain the intervention and continuing expenditures in Afghanistan using the nuanced command of geopolitical strategy and economics that you've displayed above. Having done so, you'll naturally be able to explain every millitary engagement since Vietnam using the same compelling logic. Start with some of the more recent ones, like Kosovo and Somalia and work your way back. Toodles,
  9. Some interesting comments on the topic over there: "Speed is safety, but that mantra is meaningless if you don't actually have speed." 'No. Experience is safety, and speed comes naturally as a result. WTF - so many people think they will somehow master complicated alpine terrain faster, with no experience what-so-ever to draw upon, if they bring that lighter rope, a few less cams and no freak'n cloths. It takes a lot of years to learn to move fast over mixed terrain, and the guys who can, can do it with bricks in their pack and moron for a partner." "I think you have the "Fast and light" ethic confused with the "Wannabe-fast, stupid and generally unsuccessful" ethic. "Fast and light" means, basically, no bivy sack on a V or harder route. The majority of people spouting "Fast and light" are usually going into the mountains for III and IV rock routes, so saying "Fast and light" sounds really silly anyway. Sure, some people pack more crap than others, but going dumb and naked isn't what "Fast and light" is about either.You ALWAYS have with you what it will take to bear a season's storm and an uncomfortable night. There are no exceptions, IMO. If you can't handle that, then you are dangerous and fully incapable of the objective." I agree with the poster's sentiments, as it seems to me that there are more and more folks around who equate going "Fast & Light" with the simple act of skimping on gear, before they have aquired enough experience to make informed judgements about what level of equipment is appropriate for someone with their current levels of skill, experience, and fitness. It's always a guessing game, but it seems to me that the current infatuation with the F&L ethic has lead to a lot of folks overestimating themselves and underestimating the mountains, and the inevitable result will be more rescues and more fatalities. I have learned over time (and several minor epics) that I am not an especially fast climber, so I always bring enough gear with me to suffer through a miserable night and live. Sometimes this is nothing more than a hefty-sack and a lighter, but if I'm on a big volcano in the winter it's more like the full monty. I'd be interested to hear what other people's philosophy is on this one, and what sort of gear you dropped or added as your experience level increased.
  10. j_b said: Any nation on the face of the Earth can "control" all of the oil it needs by...buying it. Ireland's millitary capabilities are probably not sufficient to procure very much oil by force, but somehow they manage to get all of the petroleum products they need, delivered right to their door, by....paying for them. All of this from that entity known as the "market." I know they don't bring copies of rudimentary economics texts to the Marx/Engels circle jerks but really... No nation has a monopoly on the supply, and while OPEC could withhold supply for a limited time and inflict some economic damage on the rest of the world, this action would ultimately suppress demand to the point where the nations withholding supply would see a serious dent in their revenues, which none of them could afford to sustain for very long, seeing as they are barely making enough to keep their bloated state sectors afloat at current revenue levels. Meanwhile skyrocketing prices bring additional fields online, non-embargo states sell all of the oil that they can pump to bring additional supply online, petroleum companies undertake massive efforts to uncover new supplies, and consumers find ways to economize by enhancing energy efficiency. It's already happened once during and after the embargo in the 70s, and would happen again, most likely at an accelerated pace. In the simplistic analysis championship, the "Blood for Oil" crew wins hands down.
  11. BTW - Anyone out there have any experience with Schoeller WB 400? Trying to decide between that and the Dryskin Extreme for the new winter pants to replace the Guide Pants with. I have heard that the WB 400 is a bit less breathable and a bit more wind resistant than the Dryskin Extreme, but wonder if the fabric will be breathable enough for high output activities. I found a chart which shows WB-400 with even worse breathability than Goretex, which I thought was impossible unless you are wearing a hefty-sack. The fabric has recieved some good reviews elsewhere, so if anyone has any experience - good or bad - with the fabric go ahead and chime in.... Relative Breathability of Textiles Used in the Outdoor Biz
  12. Still wishing you were my size so I could buy those things off you cheap. Mine are just about toast after 3 years of heavy use. If you own a softshell and are dissatisfied with their performance and want to wash your hands of them, and you have a 32" waist and a 32" inseam, send me a PM and I will help you dispose of them in a most efficacious manner. Anyone who is really more comfortable skinning their way up a long slope, or lugging a pack in on a long snowy approach in hard-shell pants should be checked for hypothyroidism or some other metabolic disorder IMO. Ditto for cognitive disorders in folks who have concluded that hardshell clothing is more versatile than softshell clothing.
  13. Good. Now that we have established that factors like insurance company practices, regulatory climate, and irresponsible business practices have nothing to do with litigation we can move on to talk about how to fix the system. Let me guess: tort reform? I'd be interested in learning how insurance companies and businesses have fostered the development of the hyper-litigious society that we currently live in if you have the time to explain that a bit, but do you really think that tort reform should be entirely out of the question? I'd also be interested in looking at some stats comparing the percent of GDP expended on legal expenses in the US versus the rest of the industrialized world, percent of all health care expenditures spent on insurance, number of attorneys per capita in the US versus other first world nations, etc. etc. Who knows, maybe these figures will not support the commonly held belief that the US is especially litigious relative to the rest of the world.
  14. Good question. Do you think the answer is that nobody wants to take responsibility for theirself or that trial lawyers have a stangle hold on the democratic party, or might it be something else? Unhealthy symbiosis between the two IMO....
  15. Matt, I think you are right to be concerned about any interest group acquiring undue influence in our political system, but of the many ills which have beset mankind this century, "Corporate Greed" is by far in a way the least dire of them all. How many corporations have been responsible for perpetrating genocides? Torture? Political repression of entire societies? How many states? More importantly, how many states in which corporations and other forms of private wealth were commandered by the state in pursuit of the left's most enduring political fantasy? I'll personally take corporate greed over state-sponsored plunder any day. And as far as the environment is concerned, take a look at how the environment fared in the Eastern Block, China, or any other nation where the state has had sufficient power to control the economic output for any length of time. I think you'll find that on a global basis, there is a direct relationship between corporate profitability and the well-being of the environment in the nations in which they operate. This is not because the people that run the corporations are angels, but rather because the ability to sell a product or service for a profit requires social stabilty, and the rule of law, both of which are more likely to exist in a democratic state where people have a voice in matters such as environmental policy, and the surplus wealth required to address them.
  16. JayB


    Word. Seems a bit excessive, even for cc.com.
  17. I have always just used my own pulleys - much smoother ride across. The cheapo REI deals work just fine... Witness as Leejams demonstrates the proper technique...
  18. The funniest thing about these photos is that I have a photo hidden away somewhere that is far lamer and more pathetic. We were hiking around Mt. Adams just after high school and I wanted to get a photo that made it look like I was doing something roughly akin to technical climbing, despite the fact that it would be years before I even begin to do anything more than hike and scramble. The only problem was that there was not much in the way of dramatic terrain around, so I wrapped the half-assed laundry-cord type rope around me in an immitation dulfersitz and leaned back onto the 30 degree scree slope while instructing my friend to cut the photo off at my knees so I that all the viewer would see was the panorama in the distance behind me, not the mild scree slope that I was actually on. Imagine my dissapointment when the photo came back and clearly showed me pretending to rappell while standing on a modest hillock of scree while desperately trying to look like I was a serious mountaineer, in a serious mountaineering situation, complete with the look of grim focus and determination on my face, despite the setting. These photos don't even come close to approaching that level of gayness, so my pseudo-rapell shot still reigns supreme. I wish I had a scanner so that I post that shot and put all of these people in their place.....
  19. Did you get the red Metolius FCU? Did a shard of sunlight pierce the clouds and illuminate you in a beam of light while a thundering voice from the heavens proclaimed you Lord and Master of Monte Cristo? That sucker was in their good - like the sword in the stone......
  20. JayB

    latest books read

    Just got started on the unabridged "Wealth of Nations" but haven't made much of a dent in it as most of my reading has been for work lately. "The Summer of the Gods" makes for a pretty good summer read. It's a relatively new book about the Scopes Monkey Trial that won a few awards for nonfiction a couple of years ago. Anyone else get depressed when looking at the NYT Best (Nonfiction)Seller list? Seems like there's never anything on their but the latest installment of the change your body/life/career/net-worth with my secret formula type guano on there. I think that "The Body for Life" and "Who Moved My Cheese?" and a bunch of other books selling repackaged common sense with a new twist totally dominate the genre here in the States. In summary, this country would be much better off if everyone mimicked my reading habits book-for-book.
  21. Just gotta make sure to limit the plastic racking dealies to about 3 screws per dealy. I lost about 1/2 of my screws mid-pitch after a highstepping move forced the gate open on me...
  22. Send this mofo on his way. The only upside of political violence is that it, more than anything else, utterly discredits the movement that those committing the violence are attempting to bolster. E.g. the millitia movement. Same thing happened back in the late 60's and early 70's when radical left-wing types tried this tactic. The knowledge that those carrying out the violence killed off any hope of every gaining widespread support for their movement does very little to dull the pain that the victim's families feel however, so I'd much prefer it if violent extremists would discredit themselves and their movements by simply stating their views in public as much as possible. The earth will be a better place without this POS. Flip the switch.
  23. Omega Pacific JC's (wiregate biners) are a good deal, seem to work as well as any other biner out there, and weigh in at 37g per biner. You can buy them in lots of 10 or 20 at ($60 and $110-120 for either) at www.linkupgear.com
  24. Bent Gate Mountaineering. They have some struktura EVO's left in size 12-13 for $250, and might have some used demo boots for sale in other models as well.
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