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Everything posted by JayB
Thank God that everyone waited for Germany to complete its rearming process, and wait on the sideline while their massive conventional superiority relative to Germany diminished, or imagine the bloodshed that could have resulted.
There's a wealth of data out there that prove that home ownership and wealth vary in inverse proportions to one another. The poorest Americans are statistically the most likely to own rather than rent, and the value of the homes they own increases in direct proportion to their poverty, so the dollar value of the subsidy they get for their larger mortgages, capital gains, property-taxes, etc increase in significance as their average wealth diminishes. That's why it's so encouraging to see that those who are agitating for substantial reform to make the tax-code more progressive omit this aspect of the tax code from the discussion whenever the topic of tax-reform comes up.
There is a lack of plasticity in wealth movement in the very top tier, and there is ample evidence to prove this. Of course, Republicans want to do away with the inheritance tax, which would further solidify this situation. Here's an interesting link. If there's anything that helps the poor, its the mortgage interest deduction, the capital gains exemption, the deduction for property taxes, etc.
Are you planning to do a traverse, or day-trips from a lodge/hut?
If you want to round out the analysis, look at the effect of state and local sales/income taxes on the working poor.
Diamond face of Bear Mountain is another. Plug "John Scurlock" into Google, scroll through his galleries, and cross reference the faces that look interesting to you with Beckey's alpine guide or inquiries at cc.com. If you put this inquiry on the main forum, your post will probably get quite a bit more exposure, and you may get quite a few more suggestions than you will if you leave it in this forum.
Key Quote; "...the top 1% of US earners accounted for 39% of tax revenue - and the highest earning 25% of the population delivered 86% of the tax-take."
there's nothing that can be done about it. the secular societies of Europe have no prayer against the strong muslim religion/culture/language. be prepared for more "trouble" A head nods in Europe "Hooray - We're Capitulating!"
You can be in love without being a doormat. Pussy-whipped equals a doormat in love.
"I posted on cc.com at a cafe with 3 armed guards out front as well as an impromptu goat slaughter market and a nasty case of the runs back in January." Someone's been all the way out there and heard the siren's song of civiliation. The Call of the Mild. ....... I feel it every time I'm particularly uncomfortable in the woods, and don't take my access to world class healthcare, soft-bed, running water, and warm apartment for granted for *AT LEAST* 13.4 hours afterwards...
"Germany Cracks Down on Forced Marriages By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER, Associated Press Writer Monday, October 29, 2007 (10-29) 11:46 PDT BERLIN, Germany (AP) -- Chancellor Angela Merkel has joined a growing movement to criminalize forced marriages in Germany, which is growing less tolerant of practices among Muslim immigrants that clash with the nation's liberal social values." Kumbayah, my Lord.....
Yet here you sit. Too bad you weren't there when the locals got a load of the starry-eyed young man who went off to live unarmed, in a tent, amidst the polar bears....
I'm not sure that the person responsible for either work actually envisioned the person at the center of their stories as some kind of a Rousseau/Kerouac hybrid that would serve as a vehicle for such a tired and played narrative that's been recycled continuously since the enlightenment, and I'd wager that societies constituted of people who had much more direct and intimate contact with nature on a daily basis would be far less charitable in their estimation of either person. It's only because civilization has managed to render either starvation, being eaten by large animals, freezing to death, or the gazillion other ways that nature can fuck you up and finish you off with a sublime indifference that anyone can afford to romanticize the pathologies of either McCandless or the Grizzly Man.
How do you feel about beaches? Better keep a safe distance from the shore anywhere in Australia or Euroland in the summer...
Many laps on Fall Creek... One of the few places I'll miss...
Late-fall early spring is prime time for kayaking. Diversify the recreational pursuits and take advantage of all phases of the hydrological cycle... If not kayaking, then Tieton, Tieton, Tieton...
From what I've heard, Bozeman's generally a tough place to make a living, but since you are in a profession that you can take pretty much anywhere, this might not be so much of a concern for you. I actually think that when you look at all of your factors, Seattle scores pretty well. Colorado was pretty sweet for pure rock climbing, and is a great place to live if you're into the outdoors, and I miss CO a lot when I'm not there, especially the Platte - but I still give the edge to Seattle/WA in terms of across-the-board appeal.
If you are worried about ingesting compounds that mimic estrogen, I suggest that you lay off of soy, flaxseed, and other staples of the right-wing diet...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, MCS, Fibromyalgia, and The Vapors round out the list.
Is that a special format? .mp4, .mov?
I had a rude awakening myself, but it occurred between the ages of 12-16. I remember it being kind of a shock that no one cared about how I was feeling, what kind of a day I was having, or what I'd rather be doing - all that they wanted was for me to STFU and get the job done, end of story.
Nope. Looked all over the place for freeware before giving up and spending the dough. If you can figure out how to upload the files to a file sharing service, and send me your account info, I could probably convert them for you and send them back over the said service. You'd probably have to figure out how to break your files into 100mB chunks in order for that to work, though.
Digital Media Converter. Use it all the time for converting between formats. http://www.deskshare.com/dmc.aspx
www.mint.com I have to confess that I've never had the discipline necessary to keep all of the receipts for every purchase and plug them into Quicken/Money/Etc in order to track my/our spending, so this site seemed kind of like mana from heaven. Great tool for anyone that wants to automate these functions, IMO.