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Everything posted by Dave_Schuldt

  1. A few turns here and there, we don't know how to tele so snow has to be just right.
  2. What you can do w/ 30 year old waxable metal edge XC skis with skins. The parking lot at Swauk Pass is usually a ghetto of blue smoke and noise but not this time. Daytona 500 may be what kept the snowmos glued to their TVs. Didn't see any other skiers but the snow shoes had made a mess of the road. This is a great tour mostly following a marked skier only route. Took us about 6 1/2 hours. Slide show for your enjoyment. http://s230.photobucket.com/albums/ee11/DaveSchult/?action=view&current=278233fb.pbw
  3. Personal pitchers, better take the bus.
  4. Lets call it soon.... Park is cool with me!
  5. There's always the German place farther north on Greenwood just north of Red Mill... can't think of the name....
  6. I'm in, where's the Prost?
  7. ..... that's right sucker the DISCOVERY INSTITUTE!!! FUCK, THIS IS SAD. http://www.horsesass.org/?p=3983
  8. Lights and reflectors on a fixie, how unfashionable! You have to do what it takes to be a cool messenger wanabe. Lights are getting better and cheaper. GET SOME!
  9. I don't care where we go, I just don't want to confuse people.
  10. Wow look at all these posts, you guys are all over this.
  11. Let's not change it this close to the date.
  12. OK since there hasn't been any objections I'm going to call it. http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/1/5370/Seattle/Ballard/Ballard-Grill-Ale-House.html See you gapers there!!!!
  13. Go protesters! It's what freedom is all about. Seems small now but as the war drags on I hope it will spread. I bet the first anti "Nam demonstrations were small.
  14. We need to have some drinking ritual to please Ular the Norse snow god. I love mountain biking but really want to ski....
  15. With all the family and holiday BS I need to drink with some real people. How about 12/13 at the Ballard Ale House on Leary? Or somewhere else.....
  16. And we wonder why they hate us.... The same shit all over again. We support represive leaders who opposed commies, look where that got us with Iran. DO WE EVER LEARN?
  17. Dave_Schuldt


    I'll be glad when the robo calls stop, I'm not answering the phone tonite.
  18. More jucey details heare http://slog.thestranger.com/2007/10/richard_curtis_more_shocking_details ENJOY!
  19. http://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/2007/10/clear-channel-republican-propaganda.html Not a fan, but I should buy the CD 'cause I hate Clear Channel. He tells it like it is.
  20. What time is the movie?
  21. Haven't had one for a while, anyone interested?
  22. CAN'T THEY ALL JUST GET A ROOM?!?!?!? http://blog.nola.com/times-picayune/2007/10/difatta_twice_detained_in_lewd.html
  23. We've had Pub Club there a few times but there's bitching about parking. We should go there soon.
  24. May want to move this to access. http://wta.org/~wta/cgi-bin/wtaweb.pl?4+blog+thread+ed+425
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