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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I climbed a 5.2 this last weekend. Does that count? I am not the only one who thinks your comments are irritating and obviously flirty. But you're right I don't know you...and I don't really wanna. So have a nice life and disregard my barf comment.
  2. Holly my dearest, Just because I find your juvenility and flirtateous comments to or about 'Cavey' to be nauseating...doesn't mean you have to lash out at me. I'm #1 on the list babe Kisses -Cody
  3. quote: I wanted Cavey to be my new roommate, but he said no. So, if it can't be Cavey, I am hoping for a fellow climber. Puhhhhlease. I think I'm going to barf.
  4. STFU you fucking morons.
  5. Nada....just got this erie feeling it ain't warmin up anytime soon
  6. Cody

    CC.com Women

    Do shim's count? In that case......count me in.
  7. Cody


    SC- Rudyard Kipling may not have been a fool--but you are. Shut up. Who are you to say squat about what would make him "turn in his grave"?
  8. Cody


    W- We have plenty of freaks right here in the United States to pyscho-analyze. Give me a break. They started a war that we will finish. Period. Is that "deep enough" for you or what?
  9. An idea on how to keep dogs at may at the crags or any other place? Don't view on a full stomach....hehehehe http://www.browndoginstitute.com
  10. I second the Nikons--just bought this one: http://www.bestbuy.com/detail.asp?e=11065345&m=82&cat=83&scat=84 Love it so far. [This message has been edited by Cody (edited 08-15-2001).]
  11. Oh yeah, and to second Matt's theory about keeping hand-washing to a minimum...when you do wash your hands, don't use hot water. You're not getting them any cleaner by using hot water, but what you are doing, is chapping your skin (which causes cracks and bleeding even if you can't see that happening).
  12. Eucerin is right OTC...not really that expensive either. FYI--it's better then regular lotions because it creates a moisture barrier (when you try smearing the stuff on, you'll realize that).
  13. Working in the medical field, Eucerin is used all the time for dry skin/exzema...thick goopy stuff, but it works well.
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