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Everything posted by Yahoo_sucks

  1. I'm against user fees!
  2. http://seattlep-i.nwsource.com/local/37533_accid03ww.shtml
  3. Yahoo_sucks


    Fishin' for flames, Danny? We'll see you back in a couple of days with a nice new name.
  4. Besides, don't they get a good part of their wholesale cost back when they sell thier returns at the garage sales? [This message has been edited by bjorn (edited 08-09-2001).]
  5. Oh yeah, back to the topic - I've been wondering how long they could turn a profit with all of their spending on that flagship store, new stores in the middle of nowhere, etc. I guessed that that monument to themselves would lose it's attraction in a few months....
  6. Gotta tell you I've had a couple of embarassing situations at REI. I went in there recently and asked the guy in the green vest in the sleeping bag section "Where are the bivy bags?" His answer: "What's a bivy bag?" He was serious. I couldn't beleive it. Another time I asked someone at the hardware counter a question. The guy working there hadn't heard of Kong climbing hardware. I usually don't ask them questions anyway. I just go there to buy something that I already have in mind and get out. But if someone else has it cheaper, I'm there.
  7. REI is selling MSR. http://seattlep-i.nwsource.com/business/34210_rei07.shtml Closed one of their stores in Japan, too. Been overspending the last few years? [This message has been edited by bjorn (edited 08-07-2001).]
  8. Retro- Screw the bolts and hangers - just tell me where I can get me one of those Dayton Bars!
  9. Smart Wool.
  10. Would anyone care to post some tips and advice for removing unsightly bolts from your favorite pristine mountains? Maybe set up a website?
  11. What makes him think that him and his two buddies are the majority?
  12. I'm with Blister. Sounds ridiculous. Count me in, too. I've actually been published, but I won't say where (that's how low it was).
  13. Oh, alright - I lurk here a lot but rarely post, but I gotta say this... I wouldn't mind seeing ALL bolts removed from our mountains. You add a bolt, and it's not just a mountain anymore. Just like adding a road or a gondola. Just more man-made litter trashing up the mountains. Save the bolts for the outdoor sport-climbing gyms like Vantage or Exit 38. And I don't care if they break their arms patting themselves on the back in self-congratulation for doing it! Small price for a good job.
  14. Use your bootlaces for prussiks.
  15. Cut the lables off your pack. You can also cut an additional 2 - 3 inches off of your shoulder straps and hip belt.
  16. I've just been watching you guys watch me.
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