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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. Fairweather

    Obama's Speech

    Because he will win more electoral votes.
  2. Fairweather

    Obama's Speech

    and a pivotal moment in history. :tup: Can't deny that...but McCain will win the election.
  3. Fairweather

    Obama's Speech

    Take away the teleprompter and he's sub-par.
  4. Candidate X: http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/08/27/clinton-candidate-x/
  5. Stated as you did, it's not. Mattp's expressed desire for a government monopolized system has caused me to brush you with his contaminated paint. and you expressed a desire for US to ditch the allies in europe you red fuck. why don't go and suck putin's cock. the reality is you are just a stupid fuckwad and your mom boning high school football team. a classic example, that syphilis and pregnancy don't mix. You remind me of that little creature that sits on Jaba The Hut's lap in the movie Star Wars.
  6. Sounds like screech. Smells like rotten peach.
  7. Mattp believes in the free lunch? You can't be serious.
  8. So doctor's $$ = good; insurance co profit = bad? There is nothing wrong with profit, and government seizure of that which has been legally earned is anti-democratic. Tighten the rules governing the industry? I've got NO problem with that. Be careful of unintended consequences though.
  9. Stated as you did, it's not. Mattp's expressed desire for a government monopolized system has caused me to brush you with his contaminated paint.
  10. bang
  11. They all seem to have a really hard time answering that one. Especially our resident curmudgeon.
  12. The land bridge is bunk. But wouldn't traverse of said bridge render those who cross it "immigrants'?
  13. Yes, like "border patrol" inspections along interior highways. See my comments in that thread. How do you reconcile your desire for govt services and programs with your love of freedom?
  14. Have you ever noticed how every "crisis" that comes along is little more than leverage pushing toward less freedom and more government? Who are the willing dupes?
  15. Wow. Gotta side with the libs this time. This is total bullshit. I have no problem with the Border Agents conducting "interviews" at points of entry--like ferry terminals accepting inbound BC traffic--but interfering with internal freedom of movement on a state highway is utterly fucked. I may yet become an enemy of the state.
  16. We're not!!!!!!
  17. Where's the...package? Ain't nobody backin' a brutha who's not packin'.
  18. Then why are they here? I'm sick of people who come here and immediately set about complaining and trying to remake America into the place they left. Idiots. You're right, people who move here have no right to attempt to improve their adopted country. Trying to impose or whine for government health care is not "improvement". It's like walking into MacDonalds for a meal and complaining about how unhealthy the food is. Eat somewhere else. So, it's OK for them to try to improve our country, unless their goals are deemed by you to be "wrong?" People in America have every right to try and implement whatever changes they want, be it communistic, socialistic, fascistic, "collectivistic" or otherwise. That's what's great about America. Even the constitution can be changed. Nobody gets to decide which changes are on the approved list for immigrants to bring up. And I have a right to lobby for and express support for tighter immigration laws; no?
  19. but it's right up your ally you closet commie puke. Fuck off Pole pussy.
  20. Say what? You claim that "most people" here want universal health care. I have to assume you once again have a Google-survey that backs up your statement, so its fair to ask how the question was framed. A question like that rarely addresses the manner or mechanisms by which we would arrive at your goal. Survey question for dummies: "Would you like everyone in America to have free health care for life?" Duhhh...ummmm...sure...uhhh...I guess....
  21. He likes the water.
  22. If the manner in which they propose to do it is either unconstitutional or collectivist in nature, then no. If you pose the question in such simpleton form then it's not surprising you get the result you're looking for, Matt.
  23. By Stefan's definition--"foreigners"--are not citizens, dumbass.
  24. Then why are they here? I'm sick of people who come here and immediately set about complaining and trying to remake America into the place they left. Idiots. You're right, people who move here have no right to attempt to improve their adopted country. Trying to impose or whine for government health care is not "improvement". It's like walking into MacDonalds for a meal and complaining about how unhealthy the food is. Eat somewhere else.
  25. Then why are they here? I'm sick of people who come here and immediately set about complaining and trying to remake America into the place they left. Idiots.
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