"Well, this is gonna be interesting....
The website is https://statisticalclimbingguideforfredbeckey.webador.com/articles and was also posted then deleted on NWHikers.net. The links to the articles don't work for me now.
Prior to the abrupt about-face, I skimmed through Chapter 18 regarding his Army service & discharge. It painted a less than flattering portrait but seemed to have plenty of documentation.
Mr. Creeden has also posted other interesting historical info on NWHikers.
AI spoof (seems unlikely but wtf knows these days), the heavy hand of moderation, legal threats, and/or just second thoughts and wanting to save it all for the definitely "not published by the Mountaineers" book? Inquiring minds want to know."
Fred Beckey(TM) https://www.fredbeckeyllc.com/
UBI: 604-172-710. "Governing people": Megan Bond.
Just so it's all in one place for posterity and such...