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Everything posted by Dan_Harris

  1. Check out the Mount Shasta Snow Cam for a picture of the mountains conditions, updtaed every few minutes. It is a view from Mount Shasta City so sometimes the mountain is obscured.
  2. When I went through that way about a month ago The snow looked thin on the west side of the mountain but pretty good elsewhere. I was looking from down in town though. All the news reports say snow levels are above normal for that part of the state. Black Bear Diner is the reataurant. There is one in Mount Shasta City.
  3. Dan_Harris


    The Middle Eastern states aren't nations; they're quarrels with borders. - P.J O'Rourke
  4. Dan_Harris


    Here is a column by Dennis Prager that may be food for thought or fuel for the fire. [ 11-26-2002, 06:50 AM: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  5. First, I didn't care who won, but WSU was robbed. That had to be one of the worst calls to end a game. The throw was a forward pass and should have been ruled incomplete. It is sad when officials decide the game rather than the players. nolanr, your worries were warranted in the CWU - UCD game.
  6. Dan_Harris

    BCS is BS

    Linfield did get the #1 seed in the west and a weeks rest. They play the winner of the Wartburg (Iowa) - Lake Forrest (Illinois) game on Nov.30. nolanr's CWU plays UC Davis at home this weekend. CWU pretty much dismantled UCD a week ago.
  7. Dan_Harris

    BCS is BS

    . . . and should be done away with. Division 1 football is the only NCAA sport that does not have a playoff system. Let's stop all of the arguing and what ifs and have a playoff. The traditions of many of the bowl games eneded with the BCS. NO Pac 10 or Big 10 in the Rose last year. Each of the major bowls could still host games, just not on New Years day any more. Rotate the Champioship as it is now with the other major bowls as Semi-final and quarter final games. The champioship would be held New Years Day. If some of the minor bowls want to be held, so be it. Most of those teams wouldn't make a playoff any way. Who wants to watch two 6-5 teams play in December. nolanrs CWU (D2) could have three home playoff games. Linfield (D3 in Oregon) should get a first round bye and then a home game. Pairings come out this afternoon.
  8. Dan_Harris

    OU sucks

    How about something other than D1 football. Linfield (D3)in McMinnville is kicking everyones .
  9. I guess I am thinking more of checked bags and not in the cabin. I understand the leaking fuel argument. How about a propane/butane canister (that is what I use) that has never been used? There is a seal over the opening. Aerosols can leak. How about gas freed and empty MSR bottles?
  10. A couple of days ago I picked up a friend at the airport. As I was waiting there was a display of items that are not to be taken, even in checked luggage. The display had a couple of MSR fuel bottles and mentioned propane & butane canisters among other items. What I wondered is "are these more volatile than say a can of WD-40 or hair spray?" There are a warnings on these and other products about puncturing and incinerating. Anyone ever held a lighter in front of either of these as they were being sprayed? Makes an awesome flame. Hell,the butane / propane canisters are taken to altitude and I haven't heard of packers or climbers blowing up due to the pressure difference. Do the airlines think people will make bombs out of them? I am all for security on the airlines but I think they have gone a little overboard. My $0.02 worth, end of rant. Head for the hills and have a cold one, doesn't matter what order.
  11. Two days in a row now I almost got creamed on my bike by some moron pulling out of a parking lot while talking on their cell phone. These people had no clue I was there. They probably had no idea what any of the traffic was. The other peeve is the drivers who will not move over a little bit when there is no bike lane and the traffic is light enough that they have room to give cyclists some room when we are already as far to the right as we can safely get. It amazes me how stupid people can get when they get behind the wheel.
  12. What choo talkin' 'bout? If I went any slower I'd go backwards.
  13. First peak was Round Top in CA when I was 20. Waited 20 more years and summited Mount Shasta to celebrate my 40th birthbay. Great exhiliration and feeling of accomplishment for both of them.
  14. MtnHigh, Looks like you've hit the PBR already. So when are you heading up, Saturday or July 8? The 8th is Monday. I'm driving up to a friends in Sisters on Sunday the 7th and meeting my climbing partners at the trailhead on Monday the 8th. I'll be looking for your post. Have a Happy 4th of July. Thanks in advance.
  15. Now I'm in the correct category. I am planning on getting away from the heat here in CA next week and head up Jefferson and South Sister. Any beta on the South side routes for Jeff and Prouty Glacier on South Sister would be appreciated.
  16. Oops. The heat has affected me! How could I have placed this in Olympics.
  17. I am planning on getting away from the heat here in CA next week and head up Jefferson and South Sister. Any beta on the South side routes for Jeff and Prouty Glacier on South Sister would be appreciated.
  18. I read about this and saw it on the news. These assholes did a number. I have to deal with taggers at work and they think what they do is cool. It just looks like shit!!!! Now they want to mess up a beautiful place with their crap. I say hang 'em up by the short and curlies and cover them in spray paint.
  19. USA 2 Mexico 0 Bring on the Germans!! Friedal and Sennah rock!!!!
  20. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Aghhhhhhhh! Anybody but the Wings or Av's. Oh well congrats to them. But Scotty Bowman will retire now. Can the Wings replace him?
  21. There was an interesting article in yesterday's paper here in Central, CA. Last week there were a couple of times that SAR was called for overdue hikers / backpackers and so the question came up about charging. The story was specifically about Tuolumne County SAR, but I am sure other counties work the same way. Seems the main cost is meals for the crews since they are all volunteers. The only time the cost goes high is if a helocopter is needed and the Forest Service has the final say there if the area is a designated wilderness. Any costs (meals or otherwise) are billed back to the county of residence of the person rescued. It is then up to that county to charge or not charge the individual. So far as the reporter could tell, no county charged the person. This seems like a pretty good way to do things since many SARs happen in less populated counties and therefore counties with less money to spend on such stuff. A Navy chopper crashed in the Emigrant Wilderness on a SAR and the Navy picked up that cost. No hue and cry then, so why for climbers?
  22. Wings now up 3 - 1. I wish someone other than the Wings (or Avs) would win the cup. But, will they hoist the cup at home?
  23. quote: Originally posted by bonehead: How's about the America's Cup?!??! Now there's something to get excited about..... Why is Olympic hockey so much more fun to watch than pro?? At least to me. It seems to mean so much more... America's Cup? Olympic Hockey has a larger rink. The Olympic game is more wide open, more passing, less hitting. I like the Olympic game too. I wish the NHL would go to a larger rink.
  24. quote: whatchou talkin about Willis the Canucks are gonna win it [/QB]But then you'll wake up and the Canucks will still be without the cup. Here's to the SHARKS! [ 05-07-2002, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: Dan Harris ]
  25. freeclimb9, you beat me to the punch. Just finished reading the article a few minutes ago. From another site it was mentioned that California, Colorado, & Oregon have also passed resolutions that oppose fee demo. Is this true Oregonians? Washingtonians write and call your reps, state and federal.
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