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Everything posted by Ruprechkt

  1. Ruprechkt

    Crystal Mountain

  2. Ruprechkt


    iS everyone on this site freaking psycho? OKLAHOMA! OKLAHOMA!! OKLAHOMA!!!
  3. Hey Dennis, you seem like a very kind, wise fellow. Tell us about the climbs you did this week. That wasn't you hanging on classic crack last weekend was it?
  4. Dan Larsen wrote: Hell back in the day I even nailed a dyke in the bathroom at a dyke bar (she really hates men now)I think she was confused. Dan, some would say it's bad etiquette to bring your Mrs. into this discussion... [ 05-12-2002, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Ruprechkt ]
  5. Paging Nurse Ratched! Paging Nurse Ratched! Please report to your station immediately! Dan "Dr. Jeckyl" Larsen appears to have missed his lithium enema today!
  6. Hey there Buttrudderboxboy(note lack of respect), in case ya didn't notice, I was just quoting you back at you--your flame of Texplorer sounds pretty stupid doesn't it? Why don't you reread your two posts in the Potrero Chico thread and then reread mine. Yup, I was making fun of your lame flame, though I guess you didn't catch on to that. Ah well, I guess irony is lost on you. You must be a real masochist to start a new thread that simply makes you look like more of a maricon baboso than the Potrero Chico thread. Allright hombre, your turn! How deep can you dig? [ 02-12-2002: Message edited by: Ruprechkt ]
  7. Hey Buttrudder, are you sure that you are on communicating on the right site? This is a Cascade climbers site, hence the name "Cascade Climbers." So why are you living vicariously on the Cascade climbers site and bragging about dashing up some route in the valley? Take care, and maybe some day you will see what climbing is really all about instead of merely going through the motions by pretending to have climbed something, thereby demonstarting your lack of character and skill?
  8. So hey Rudder, you sound a little grumpy--plummeting stock options gotcha down? Can you give us some beta about all those Cascade alpine routes in Silicon Valley? Is it true that "Kissing Larry Ellison's Ass Crack" is one of those tough Bay Area cascade alpine routes that you've done? Hang in there little buddy! [ 02-10-2002: Message edited by: Ruprechkt ]
  9. I found myself over in Worthleavin for an afternoon last week. Temp was in the mid 90s, so we sought shade. The Marley crags in Tumwater canyon face NE, so it seemed like a good choice. The trail follows the river for a bit, then fades into flat filled with burnt deadfall, nettles, berry bushes and various other prickly stuff. (Undergrowth is not just a wetside phenomenon). Bushwacked up a steep hill in the sun, utilizing the VSBS (vegatation self belay system). Got heatstoke, got to the climbs and the shade, honored Bob, and was miraculously healed. Climbed a fun 5.8 handcrack in the middle of the lower slab (Root, Rock, Reggae) and TR'd Rastaman Vibration (10a) next to it. A little further up hill is Soul Train, a 10a on clean solid rock with specific positive features that made for interesting climbing. Bolts with 1 optional gear placement. Another 5 minutes up the hill is Crips in Motown, 5.9. This climb has a nice position with great views. Begin with a thinnish finger crack for maybe 15-20 feet. After placing a little orange metolius tcu, I managed to spontanously pitch off. Its always a little surprising when you feel like you're solid and next thing you know you're plunging. The crack leads to a nice arete with a couple bolts and good gear. There's some interesting variations possible as you climb, and the last move out over a small roof has great exposure! Jumped in the river to cool off on the way back. All in all, I'd definitely recommend the area as a destination for a really hot afternoon some time. There's a good variety of crack and face climbs, all of which are shaded past noon or so. The approach is warm and took us over an hour, but I don't think we followed the path of least resistance. And yes, proper tribute was paid to the namesake of the area ~ [This message has been edited by Ruprechkt (edited 07-15-2001).]
  10. [ 05-12-2002, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: Ruprechkt ]
  11. [ 06-14-2002, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: Ruprechkt ]
  12. I know its not a new route, but I really enjoyed The Arch right on icicle buttress. Should be ** at least! [ 05-12-2002, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: Ruprechkt ]
  13. [ 05-12-2002, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: Ruprechkt ]
  14. Not sure about your question, but I'm curious where the McCleary cliffs are???
  15. [ 02-11-2002: Message edited by: Ruprechkt ]
  16. I was leading an easy climb at Tieton last year when my attention was drawn to a loud wimpering emanating from a green leader a few columns over. He was near the top of the crack hyperventilating loudly, his belayer trying to talk him up in soothing tones. "Put some gear in." "I can't!" "Yes you can." "I can't! I'm gonna fall!" "No you aren't." "If I let go, I'm gonna fall!" "Then hold on." "Then how am I supposed to put gear in?!?!" "Are your feet good?" "They're f***ing wedged." "Then get some pro in!" Some sort of resolution to the present conundrum seemed imminent. I found a rest and watched. The leader took one hand out of the crack and fished a set of hexes off his harness. At that moment, his other hand popped out of the crack like a cork out of a champagne bottle and he launched backwards off the rock into a swan dive, flinging the hexes in the air. However, his feet were still solidly jammed in the crack, so instead of plummeting, he sort of slinkied over backwards, his helmet hitting the rock before his feet popped. Once his feet popped out, he executing a sort of back headspring flip, ending up right side up by the time his weight came onto his last piece, which then popped, dropping him for another 10 feet or so. All this while the hexes are still floating, jangling through the air on a parabolic arc to the ground. The hexes hit the ground, and he came to a jolting stop maybe 25+ feet below where pitched. He lowered off, psychologically traumatized, but totally unhurt--not even a scratch. The helmet clearly saved his skull. While it may seem elementary, watching it made me much more conscious of climbing situations where my feet are jammed in such a way as they might stick if I fall.
  17. I've lived in WA my whole life and spent much time crawling around different parts of the state, but had never got ticks in Western Washington until the last couple years. Makes me wonder why. I've noticed a couple things: every time I've got ticks in Western WA, its been on south or west facing exposures that have been clearcut, which creates an unusually sunny, hot, dry and brushy microclimate. Specifically, I've got many ticks on the clearcut ridges near Port Angeles on the Olympic Peninsula, the open logged areas near Fossil Rock (the place is infested), and more naturally hot, dry places like Mt. Erie near Anacortes. I'm wondering if the long term moderation of the NW climate, combined with heavy logging which creates more open, dry hot slopes has created better tick habitat in Western WA...Anyone else notice this correlation?
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