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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. On 7/16/2021 at 3:16 PM, Kuato said:

    Looking up the lake to the Columbia Glacier, there is a giant horseshoe of cliffs surrounding the glacier.  The only easy way to the glacier is walking up the side of the lake to the base of the glacier.

    From the summit of Columbia this weekend, we could see there's a steep slope you can scramble down from Monte Cristo Pass to the Columbia Glacier.  The moats are pretty significant right now including the snow finger in the gully you'd normally use to get from the glacier onto the west face of Kyes. It was a little surprising considering the high snow pack we had this spring but I guess that heat wave did more damage than I figured.  Glad you found a way down Monte Cristo!

  2. If you're planning to do any climbing in the Washington Pass area, it'd be wise to check up on access.  HWY 20 is closed just East of Washington Pass and probably will be until we get some significant precipitation.  This likely means September or October before you can get through.  Areas that are definitely closed include Cutthroat, Silver Star, Wine Spires, Spontaneity Arete and the Gardeners.  Also affected is area North of the Twisp River drainage.  Though the Liberty Bell are is technically just outside of the closure, I'm not sure it's a great idea to head there right now with the close proximity to the fire operations and potentially placing additional stress on resources and first responders.  Same goes for Goat Wall and crags up Lost River Rd as this area is not technically closed but is subject to a Level 1 evacuation order.

    This is a map of the current USFS closure area:


    • Thanks 1
  3. Recently skinning up Silver Star Glacier, I chatted with a descending couple and asked if they reached the summit.  The guy responds, "yes, well...I touched it with my chin".  I thought that sounded strange until I scrambled up to the summit and could see why someone wouldn't necessarily feel compelled to stand or even sit on the summit due to the terrific exposure.  As I sat there straddling the Au Cheval summit, I thought about how many other middle aged sweaty body parts had sat on this same little piece of rock.  My conclusion is that touching a chin on a summit would count as summiting but don't blame me if you develop a rash.

    • LMAO 1
  4. 13 hours ago, olyclimber said:

    @Bronco I hear they make these pumps. anyway,  the nice girls say that its how you use it, not the size.

    Yeah, likely you'll need to convert from HEIC to something else. Sorry.

    Let me try to upload a big picture to see the big picture.

    I've tried JPEG, JPG, HEIC and nothing is working for me or my iPhone pics.  I'm over it though so carry on.

  5. 18 hours ago, keenwesh said:

    Just a question for the older crowd on here, have there always been suckers for dumb conspiracy theories? Was it this way back in the Reagan days? Is it a byproduct of tucker Carlson acolytes? Why is America full of so many easily duped dopes?

    There have been gullible people since the beginning of time.  They just have access to more visibility now that they can type messages or post videos on social media from the safety of mom's basement.

  6. http://publications.americanalpineclub.org/articles/13201215692

    Pretty good article on how many people are actually reaching the true summit of 8,000 meter peaks. I think it's pretty common in the Cascades as well.  I personally have reached the crater on Rainier and Helens but not bothered to slog to the actual high point of the rim.  Does it count?  :battlecage:

    I've read some TR's for Challenger in particular where the party claims to have bagged the peak but admit they didn't climb the summit block, usually due to weather. Should that count since they didn't climb the technical part of that peak?  I guess I can't criticize anyone since I haven't literally summited Rainier or Helens.  

    How about Luna?  I haven't attempted Luna yet but understand most folks do not make the traverse to the actual summit (at least according to Juan Sharp).  What other peaks are accepted as a successful climb without actually touching the summit?


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