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Posts posted by Bronco

  1. 13 minutes ago, Mark Edmonds said:

    Hey everybody! 

    I'm new to the forum and have never summited any peaks in PNW.  Most of my climbing has been in Colorado under dry summer conditions.  While I've done over a hundred mountains, I've never done any climbing in steep snow/ice.  I'm going to be in PNW climbing for most of the month of May (May is tough for weather and conditions in the PNW mountains and very tough on the volcanos) and was hoping to get some local advice about how it might differ from my normal climbing experience.  Any help on the following would be greatly appreciated:

    1.  Do I need mountaineering boots for climbs like Mt. Hood / Rainer?  Can I get away with something more comfortable that can support crampons?  Any suggestions? Yes, get mountaineering boots that fit your particular feet.  Go break them in on Mt. St. Helens and Mount Adams.  Those are lower consequence and good training for Hood and Rainier.

    2.  If I do need mountaineering boots, are there any options that would also support back country skiing?  Would like to buy one set of boots that do both than two expensive sets of boots. Lots of people have climbed the volcanos in skimo boots.  It's not really recommended for a newbie but it's certainly doable.  

    3.  Would I likely be alright doing Mt. Hood solo and just following the crowds up?  It's poor style to depend on others for assistance so there's that.  People "follow the crowds" all the time and tend to make it home more often than not but having a partner is more fun and mitigates some of the risk involved in mountaineering.  Lots of accidents on Hood every year on the standard routes.

    4.  Same question as #3 but Mt. Rainier? You need a climbing permit to travel above 10,000' on Rainier.  Unlikely the rangers will approve a solo permit for a volcano newbie.  What research have you done on climbing Mt. Rainier?

    5.  Is there anything that would prevent me from just picking a random day and attempting a summit other than weather (i.e. permits needed in advance)? See answer above.

    6.  Are there any other sites you recommend I review before getting started? https://www.rmiguides.com/mt-rainier   https://bmc.skagitalpineclub.com 

    etc, etc, etc.

    Thanks for any and all help!  Looking forward to exploring your neck of the woods.


  2. Washington State Department of Transportation 
    North Central Region – 2830 Euclid Ave. Wenatchee, WA 98801– 509-667-3000

    Nov. 8, 2022

    Contacts: Lauren Loebsack, communications, 509-860-0000

    North Cascades Highway to remain closed for winter

    WINTHROP – With nearly 30 inches of snowfall over the weekend, SR 20 North Cascades Highway will remain closed for the winter between Ross Lake Dam trailhead (milepost 134) and Early Winters gate (milepost 178).

    The route was closed between milepost 134 and 171 for potential avalanche danger on Thursday, Nov. 3. Throughout the weekend, the North Cascades and the area surrounding the eastern slopes were repeatedly hit with snow and rain.  Though the immediate avalanche danger is now low, conditions are likely to change. Maintaining the closure now will allow crews to focus time and resources on the communities east of the mountain passes that have received up to 2 feet of snow in places.

    A snow berm has been built at the Early Winters gate at milepost 178 while crews focus on clearing routes on the east side of the mountain passes. Depending on resources and conditions, the road may be reopened to Silver Star gate for sno park access prior to the holidays.

    Spring clearing work is typically assessed in March and the seasonal reopening can be as late as June, depending on conditions. Updates on the spring clearing work will be shared in the North Cascades newsletter, the real time travel map, and on Twitter at @WSDOT_East.

  3. On 8/26/2022 at 9:43 AM, geosean said:

    The one with the horn had a rope that appeared to be fixed for a rap. I’m not sure why you would do this unless you just didn’t want to carry it out. Please don’t do this, it’s just trash now that no one want to take out. Descend your ascent route and take everything home with you. I really hope there was some extenuating circumstance here, but I can’t think of what.

    Funny, we found an abandoned rope in the "Black Notch" on Goode in 2012 where someone rapped the wrong gully and left the rope behind for some reason.  We decided to just haul it out partially due to it being garbage in the mountains but also because it was set up on the wrong rap route.  It's a long ways to haul a rope, especially when it's not yours to start with.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 17 hours ago, JasonG said:

    I found out that "Kloke Peak" had become official a few days ago via text message from a reporter at the Skagit Valley Herald.  Why text?  I was on the summit of Cannon Mountain (Smoot 100/100 for me). 

    That's a poetic finish if I've ever heard one!

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  5. 15 hours ago, Kuato said:

    Bear utopia party on the beach at the 2nd set of lakes along Rainbow Ridge.


    I've seen a black bear with a complete white stripe down it's back, looked like a giant skunk.  Tracks are definitely black bear.  I had a cinnamon colored black bear encounter this spring in the upper Methow and found this guide on how to tell tracks apart useful:


  6. Pretty depressing to see the glacial recession in just the last two decades.  


    I was listening to an endurance sport podcast this morning and the runner being interviewed was talking about traveling to Bhutan to participate in an ultra intended to increase climate change awareness.  I'm not sure how people justify an International flight to raise climate change awareness, can you purchase a carbon offset or something?  Sounds like a scenario from Idiocracy.  


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