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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Just wondering

    quote: Originally posted by csd345: Really... I like Dru's perspective, it's humble and real. But I'm not. Im the biggest-assed motherfucking chestbeater on the net and i spray all day! Everything I ever posted is bogus. PS I onsight 14b.
  2. Dru

    dating service?

    if you're desperate, talk to the guy in the purple cadillac.
  3. Dru

    Joke for MattP

    How can you identify the planes of an Italian airline? Hair under the wings
  4. Dru

    Just wondering

    quote: Originally posted by E-rock: I agree with you trask. It's a lot like the question my friends and I used to ask as kids, "why are there so few black ice-hockey players". You mean aside from Brashear, Carter, Fuhr, laRoque, Braithwaite, ummm... The Oilers had 7 black players on their team last year. But yeah, not so many as a kid, huh. How many black Canadians, Swedes, Russians, Finns were there at the time?
  5. Dru

    Just wondering

    one time i saw a guy portaging a canoe up the Rubble Creek trail to Garibaldi Lake, with a case of molson's in each hand.
  6. Dru

    Exit 38 bandit

    back in the day some logger was stealing pins and throwing rocks down from the top at squamish aid climbers hardcore... they got about 20 guys together walked into the Chieftan Pub and grabbed him drinking beer with his buddies (too scared to do anything) took him out by Shannon Falls and tied him to a tree, then everybody got a couple of rocks and "the first one to break a bone gets a case of beer!" end of problem BUT if these guys are russki mafia and you pull that shit you risk getting capped one day as payback.. so dont start what you cant finish maybe vigilante justice should end with the guy being delivered to the cops, then? feed him to the snafflehounds
  7. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Double or twin ropes work great in these situations as Dru and I found on Slesse this weekend. Follower just gets annoyed by pack and pushes it where necessary when climbing. Not fun but easy enough. Follower just unties from a rope and secures it to pack. its better when the pitch is not a horizontal traverse... if i led that pitch again i would not z-clip my 3rd piece and then, without drag, climb with the pack on...net time savings of 1/2 hour or more...
  8. quote: Originally posted by russ: quote:Originally posted by jdog: the first hard pitch seemed alot harder than a 5.7 layback. actually was a layback with a overhanging bulge. ended up setting a belay off a fixed piton. i hauled my backpack through this section and it was a bitch. i don't ever recall the squeeze slot unless this first pitch was it. didn't seem right though. i think we were too far to the east. I've got a jpeg of the first pitch (which shows the 5.7 layback with tie off bush and entering the 5.8 slot), but I don't have a website to link to. If anyone is interested I would e-mail the jpeg and someone could put up a link. Russ (rschwartz45@attbi.com) use the uploadable photo album on this site!
  9. Dru

    Just wondering

    i have seen and climbed with persons of every race and skin type... white, black, brown, red and yellow... and one of my best Buds is green
  10. skiing is for when there is no climbing like a rainy day in november. except it would be better for your climbing if you just drytooled up a wet sport route outside somewhere. wimpy sport climber will never be outside in the rain to catch you and whine about tools breaking holds off. dont forget its aid unless you go leashless
  11. LKJ in Dub VOL III is where its at. Mike Watt still wears flannel shirts. That is cool in itself. How many Devo cover bands are there anyways?
  12. Dru


    ray we forgot to get the picture of the "420 Blunts" candy cigars harleys are for rich lawyers and doctors pretending to be bad nowadays. real cool dude rides kawasaki crotch rocket and has 1-piece leather suit that matches color of his bike
  13. this from the guy who 2 days ago was saying how waterfalls sux and he was gnna ski all winter
  14. anybody can count contours on a map jordan but do you have a photo of the wall or not? if you beg and plead i might let you see mine before you rent the helicopter.
  15. hiking the trail along the beach from ozette lake south is pretty fun even if you do get attacked by raccoons and find a stinky dead whale on the beach.
  16. so is it granite like pocket desert or gneiss like skaha and macintyre bluff?
  17. Dru


    quote: Originally posted by trask: wrong my harem has never needed K-Y jelly just the mere sight of trask, the sexy beast brings a sloshing to the loins of all women take notes, lad my notes about your harem all say "Baaaaaaaa" and "Bukbukbukbukaw!"
  18. Dru


    trask, i heard you mistook SeamGrip for K-Y one night and had wooly crotch for 2 weeks afterwards?
  19. DEATH TO STICKY sounds like a Robin Williams yawn fest
  20. quote: Originally posted by Retrosaurus: Dru, You heard wrong. It was for 12-year-old, single malt scotch. better that than 12 year old horsecock
  21. Dru


    quote: Originally posted by Retrosaurus: It is also a rare side effect from taking Trazodone. been there trazodone that? (traskodone?) I thought it just meant "priapism" is a hardman
  22. naw, it changes every time you post 6148
  23. better beer than water
  24. I wil get to 10k a lot faster if i Double post! : [ 09-03-2002, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: Dru ]
  25. OPTIONS yahoo!!!! I will form a voting bloc and weild new powers! I will promote the stock on sleazy CDN exchanges and make a killing $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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