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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    LOTR return of the king

    oh yeah i saw the preview last night for Spiderman 2 with Dr Octopus as the villain
  2. Dru

    LOTR return of the king

    we just triggered Iains geekometer! he's getting a pocket protector and taping up some glasses right now
  3. Dru

    global dimming

    So...why is it so hot? planet of women man!
  4. Dru

    LOTR return of the king

    there ws a great article in Scientific American a few years ago on how to build your own trebuchet. I seem to recall that Dnethor is under the influence of the palantir, but that he's a nice enough guy that Pippin feels sad for him when he eventually dies agree that Helms Deep is the low point of Two Towers movie. oh except for the long "Aragorn is concussed and dreaming of Arwen" sequence which Ifelt did little for the plot. The battle for Gondor is way better. I don't think Osgiliath and Minas Tirith are that close together in the books either?
  5. nice editing of your original post there
  6. Dru

    global dimming

    evaporation pans are a useless measure anyways. i can make water evaporate from a pan in my basement* just by turning the heater up, nothing to do with solar radiation. * except that I don't have a basement cause I live on a 2nd floor
  7. cate blanchett looks purty too
  8. Dru

    global dimming

    dan think about it this way. in global warming, it is the atmosphere that warms. in global dimming, it is the amount of sunlight RECIEVED AT THE EARTH SURFACE that diminishes. two different things. for instance Venus has 100% cloud cover and NO sunlight reaches the surface but it is still a hot place.
  9. Dru

    LOTR return of the king

    ya but they slip the new tree in when all the petals are falling on the arwen-aragorn wedding scene i must admit i was thinking of the at-at walkers too when legolas takes out the oliphant! no saruman shelob though although that whole sequence was in two towers in the book. leaving frodo assumed dead at the end of two towers would have made a better cliff hanger ending imho. overall, fellowship and return rawked and two towers was a bit weak. i don't think Denethor is that evil in the book?
  10. tri cams lighter hold in ice dig into frozen moss can use #3 as pipe in emergency cams slide out of icy cracks hexes and tri cams wedge in and hold
  11. in winter i never take slcd's but i usually take tri cams pins and hexes in that order. tri cam = same size as a friend but half the weight eg, #2 tricam = same size as #2 friend
  12. Dru

    LOTR return of the king

    Even with no Saruman and no Scouring it still Saw it last night. The girls will like the scene where Legolas and Aragorn run around with their shirts off, Just kidding
  13. Pink Tri Cam is my God. You can always buy them at MEC but since you don't live in Bellingham anymore it could be a longer drive
  14. thats what the re: is for sobo the "sobo said" is made redundant by the re:
  15. Dru


    dude harpell's gonna sleep in your wet spot
  16. Or Liv Tyler. With or without elf ears?
  17. but the degradation of layton buying a real-doll is so funny
  18. I get enough chix without a chipmunk. With a chipmunk I'd have to post my discards on the gear swap board
  19. no one mentioned Selma Hayek???
  20. Hey Minx what type? Regular rats are in no short supply, it's a buyer's market . If you got a marmot or ground squirrel though.... I want one I can train to eat through the ropes of parties ahead of me in line at Smiff.
  21. Dynafit bindings A PEEPs Couple more screws, maybe the Grivel Expresses cause they are spendy New battery for my powerdrill Bell Jet Ranger helicopter rides Beer My own pet snaffle Recreational fungi -10C for 2-3 weeks oh yeah and peace on Earth n' stuff
  22. Dru


    ya got any bookcases? my floor is getting crowded with climbing mags. and i can't find any free bricks by the road for the poor man bookshelf
  23. Phoned in rescues didn't manage to ruin Layton's epic on Big-4 RIGHT JUSTIN
  24. ARAPILES, HERE I COME Although ya know I don't have to go to Australia to make a deposit, there are a lot of Shielas in Whistler
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