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Everything posted by Dru

  1. The Canadian Military doesn't own skidoos and parkas yet? Dear. Our neighbors to the north are dimmer than I thought! what part of pentagon did you not understand? the canadian armed forces building has only 4 sides. we couldn't afford to spend 10 billion of taxpayers money on a 5th
  2. Jacuzzi room at 4 Pines is only $10 a night more Just leave the Do Not Disturb up on the door when u go ice climbing and the maid wont get in to turn down heater
  3. when the army trades in desert camo and starts buying skidoos and insulated coats then i will believe it.
  4. I thought it was gonna be a snafflehound beany baby
  5. What is the difference, please? Are you saying there are reasons for climbing that are not results of climbing?
  6. i dont think i am "risking life and limb" when i go climbing. if that's what i wanted to do i would drop acid and free solo
  7. fortune.com is a highly respected scientific news source
  8. 5.5mm chewing
  9. or get a camper setup for a pickup truck and then when you drive around town u can leave the camper part behind and get better mileage.
  10. straight up from the rec site, you dont have to traverse at all. i think that ice you would have to traverse to may be what Dave Zulinke and Phil Clark climbed in 2001?
  11. i couldnt see any ice at all back in that hanging valley so much for extreeeem secrecy
  12. the shoe bomber was a brit
  13. see comment above 'bout pink toenails
  14. I can climb even without the internet
  15. ya that is no deductible
  16. 13 year old tri cam webbing is bomber and safe
  17. unused avatars
  18. buy good harnesss right away instead of buying 20 year old whillans harness for $5
  19. you should try THIS: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3271482395&category=1345 "for encouraging the excrement!"
  20. Dru


    Polish Bob in your bed?
  21. Hmm i Just looked at my CAJ and it seems we may have climbed Wishful Thinking after all (ice map is right), and the unclimbed line may be the leftmost line. It sure sounds similar with the 5 m pillar and all. In that case the left hand line with the huge avvy gully above it is the unclimbed line? I leave it to Don to sort this one out. There were no rap slings at top of route but there were a branch or two that migght have been sawed off on a tree?
  22. This is the Groke! With that nose she actually looks a bit like Graham
  23. Dru

    Buff Bufferman

    yeah i saw that one too. im wondering how soon someone will register buff bufferman as an avatar name?
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