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Everything posted by Dru

  1. this weekend i had an amazing view of clouds and rain up to 10 meters away at times
  2. start up radium lake trail climb mt. mcdonald continue south along divide around head of centre creek to rexford. descend into nesakwatch creek, cross to slesse, climb NE butt. descend to slesse creek, finish off by ticking border peaks. that'd be a damn fine week in the mountains....
  3. Dru

    amusing list

    by this logic we are all africans.
  4. usually the rain starts 5 minute after i get into my bivi sack
  5. WARTley's?
  6. dude u rawk
  7. Dru

    Anyone seen Dave

  8. they know where Lynndie England is though
  9. GORT BOI!
  10. remember when you bivi in the rain, there is no place to put your pack to keep it dry, so bring extra garbage bags.
  11. viennese isnt in the north cascades, cheater!
  12. Dru

    Blood etiquette

    crack....bolted sport climb???????? CHOP CHOP CHOP
  13. yesh but i'm the automatic with full time 4wd... it works out to about 25mpg commuting during the week and 28 roadtripping.
  14. Dru

    Gary Yngve?

  15. Dru

    UN says WHAT?

  16. Dru

    UN says WHAT?

  17. Dru

    UN says WHAT?

  18. Dru

    UN says WHAT?

  19. Dru

    UN says WHAT?

    in other news
  20. Dru

    UN says WHAT?

    Fuckin Bat Boy saves the day again.
  21. 170.64912 times freakier thank god for the virtual abacus! i don't know how i'd figure stuff out without it
  22. this is the stuff.
  23. i thought they were wearing lime green and pink fleece?
  24. i try harder
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