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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Penguin smacking

    Sometimes what is warm is wet
  2. What about the lava that Gollum falls into carrying the Ring in Mount Doom
  3. Hey Don upload the photo to the Gallery http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab rather than as an attachment, then it can be bigger.
  4. If design is intelligent why are there so many extinct species? Sounds like spectacularly UNintelligent design to me. Damn creator can't even design a snaffle that will last 50 million years.. most effective designs to date have been dragonflies, cockroaches, and ceolocanth.
  5. Dru

    Penguin smacking

    who is this "warmspot"
  6. There are "creation myths" in every world religion but how many of them are advocating that their creation myth be taught in American high school science class? Which is the "creationism" we are talking about here. I take it that you retract your previous statment then. I retract nothing. You can take what you like. Maybe a class in remedial English emphasizing reading comprehension skills?
  7. Read all about it. Atoms are held together by GOD'S LOVE!!!
  8. well at least I know enough to know that LARPing leads to furrydom.
  9. In the case he was referring to it was because he was quoting the account of the first ascent verbatim, but I believe he's got it in in several spots and one of the other spots is a route name.
  10. There are "creation myths" in every world religion but how many of them are advocating that their creation myth be taught in American high school science class? Which is the "creationism" we are talking about here.
  11. Fred tells me that his unedited text for the new edition of Cascade Alpine Guide Vol III contains the word "fuck". He suggested I post here and ask people whether they think the Mountaineers Books will edit it out or not.
  12. How about the converse? Here I think you are missing something Dru. Some liberals feel that we should only live in cities. Just because you cannot find the same trend in conservative circles dose not mean that Liberal="we must live in cities" The converse does not apply. "All creationists are Christians" does not mean that "All Christians are creationists". The second is demonstrably false but we are discussing the first.
  13. You said that creationists not = Christians. I am looking for some examples of groups actively advocating creationism that are not Christians.
  14. Both hold old testament beliefs. but can you find any organizations devoted to advocating the teaching of creation science or intelligent design that are composed of and funded by islamic, jewish, buddhist, etc groups as opposed to the myriad of creationist groups funded by Christians?
  15. LARPing leads to furrydom
  16. Please provide links to Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, etc. creationists?
  17. This one is for Iain
  18. Dru


    jeez you guys just print your cyrillic characters into a graphics program and then post the screenshot Just like this In Cyrillic!
  19. St Helens in the Kitchen!
  20. "man, those Martian snaffles can play their own skin flute solo"
  21. But did you know that according to some evangelicals, The Holocaust was a Catholic plot!
  22. But teachers promoting Evolution in schools are all Satanists!
  23. flute solos.
  24. welcoming committee in other news a group of Canadian lawyers is planning to formally charge Bush with war crimes while he is here
  25. Don't be silly you fool. DermatoPHAGES (not "phytes") are not furry!
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