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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    climbing russians

    Catbirdseat is this silver rope being stressed by the applied static load
  2. Dru

    working late blows!

    Google "10 worst jobs in science"
  3. I'm still banned
  4. Dru

    climbing russians

    There lived a certain man, in Russia long ago He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow Most people looked at him with passion and with fear But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
  5. bump of the day
  6. Dru


    Hey, that otter's going leashless!
  7. Dru


    Currently +11C in Lillooet: http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/city/pages/bc-28_metric_e.html Long range shows it down to -3 by Friday. I doubt any ice will form up by then but if only it stays cold for another few weeks after that we might get some more ice season?
  8. So, does are people from Montreal so lost that they have to name their team after themselves? Canadiens is French for Canucks.
  9. Don't you know it's hockey season?
  10. Dru

    It's coming!

    This photo proves nothing. With PhotoShop he could have altered the price. Anyone who has a digital camera knows you can alter the date and time stamp to whatever you want. It could have been taken in 1996. The Alaska gas price record remains unproven. And if you deny it I will go cyberstalkerfidospeedrecord on your ass forever.
  11. Bends break. Replace it now or break it halfway up a route sooner or later.
  12. Dru

    It's coming!

    distel style foliage onslaught! how about some ICE? fuck spring
  13. Dru

    Jumbo Eggs

    Do snaffles hatch from nuts?
  14. Dru

    Jumbo Eggs

  15. Dru

    Jumbo Eggs

    Minx, do you have anythin to add about duck eggs? I hear they can be kind of rubbery.
  16. Dru

    Jumbo Eggs

    There's always ostrich eggs. You never have to worry about raccoons eating your ostriches.
  17. Dru

    climbing girls

    I thought that sounded like something you'd be fondue of.
  18. Dru

    climbing girls

    With a mask like that, you replace the ball gag with a big lump of Stilton
  19. Dru

    climbing girls

    Oh wait a minute...hey!
  20. Dru

    climbing girls

    speaking of climbing girls someone who wished to remain anonymous asked me to post these
  21. Dru

    climbing girls

    And here's one of Fern rawkin' out
  22. Dru

    climbing girls

    If the cc.comettes don't post their own pics we can do it for them Here's a photo of Muffy.
  23. In fact the #1 is the blue Yellow is 2 and orange is 3
  24. Dru

    Gringo Bingo

    Tan from a can...
  25. Dru

    Jumbo Eggs

    "Jumbo" eggs are laid by Elephant Birds.
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