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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Now get out there and give 110% for the team!
  2. Gray-haired snaffle I think I got my first 'top in 2001
  3. http://www.bivouac.com/MtnPg.asp?MtnId=10
  4. Kalymnos Spain Sardinia Corsica
  5. Thought #1: maybe you should have bought a Reverso instead of a B52
  6. My 1st ascent skills would improve astronomically You mean like 11a X instead of 10d X
  7. are they going to hook guns up to webcams so disabled people can hunt cats using the internet?
  8. Coach disciplined for licking players' wounds
  9. I thought climbers talked in baby talk all the time "Gri-gri, waaaah!"
  10. What if you invented a time machine, went back in time, and taught yourself how to climb? Would your skills exponentially improve?
  11. I would suggest that the weather in April or May will be a more important factor than snowfall in March.
  12. Nothing says "pure unregulated capitalism" quite like drug smuggling. Cocaine is so 80's though.
  13. Dru

    Food for thought

    Is there a PlayEwe?
  14. but he is an American resident in Canada who was arrested in the US
  15. Dru

    Food for thought

    "Adult entertainment for women"? Playgirl is for queer guys.
  16. So he crossed the border into the USA, and then picked up the drugs? I thought the whole point of drug smuggling was getting it across the border
  17. I was squeezed out of my mom in 1977. Don't think that counts though. Yeah, the Birth Canal. Good thing you didn't try a head jam. C-sections are aid
  18. Actually now that I think about it I probably squeezed through my first offwidth in 1972
  19. First boulder problem 1977 Bagged first peak 1979 Tied in 1990.
  20. Not OK to rub on hands: Nitric acid Caustic soda Butyric acid Tar sludge Rabid wolverines OK to rub on hands: Dove soap Chalk Rubbing alcohol Firm, natural breasts
  21. What do you mean by climbing?
  22. Post again in 20 or 30 years if you manage to come up with a working BMD system
  23. http://www.space.gc.ca/asc/index.html
  24. Let's not forget the American Mars probe that crashed into Mars because some American engineer didn't know how to convert from metric to Imperial.
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