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Everything posted by scot'teryx

  1. Does anyone know about Tricouni Peak and Cypress Bowl areas, 20 minutes south of Whistler? My work is taking us on a cat skiing trip March 8-10 and this is where they operate. Just curious about the terrain, etc
  2. Hey Kris, That is a very impressive website. Even though Flash is bad IMO, it is good when it comes to not letting people steal your images. Rodchester, stay the hell away from my website, I don't even want to hear your criticism Hey Kris, if you ever want a copy of that ABS video where you are the star, let me know, or just DL it from my website. Keep up the good work! Did you actually hire someone to do that website or are they a friend that needed to enchance their portfolio?
  3. It's a good thing they all have crampons on, looks like a sheet of ice!
  4. It's a good thing he's got a total of "2 Wands". He can easily mark the trail from his car to the toilet
  5. scot'teryx

    96.5 KRock

    Or this?
  6. scot'teryx

    96.5 KRock

    Like this?
  7. I don't know what happened to Larry, one moment he was checking out the cornice, and then ???
  8. Brenda and Wilma were amazed as Fred started teething again.
  9. This is the funniest shit ever! OMFG, seriously laughing aloud in the office and Im getting looks! My Attempt: As always, the group decides to send Larry down first so that he carves the perfect half pipe
  10. scot'teryx

    96.5 KRock

    The 80's? I was wearing topsiders and my banana republic pants! Oh yeah, can't forget the Mother Karen pullover
  11. scot'teryx

    96.5 KRock

    Does anyone else think this new station kicks ass?
  12. What is the 1st pitch of Rogers Corner? Isn't that supposed ot be 5.7, and the 2nd pitch 5.9? I think the best 5.8 crack climbs I have been on are at Octopus' Garden at Smoke Bluffs in Squamish, and April Mayhem at Trundle Dome in 11worth (perfect hand crack)
  13. 1,000,000 minimum try Kohut Insurance in Seattle With the amount of legwork I have done the past 2 months, I feel like I should write a book on this topic
  14. Millenium Wall does rock, lots of good 10's there for sure!
  15. I dont let her play with my BD's, the Trangos are just for her.....
  16. Who the hell is this Bohanon character? Whomever you are, your a terd. All protective devices were fastened securely with gerber plastic rings, they would never fail!
  17. You go to Cocktail Parties? I assume you eat pieces of shit as well?
  18. Aspen loves her new toy and her new alpine suit
  19. Rad!
  20. Then again, this is the best IMO
  21. Aztec is hideous Elements are just stupid PT Cruiser is awful Xterra's are the shiznut (sleeps 2 + 1 person in the coffin on the rack) and the new Chrysler "Crossfire" is a rip off of
  22. lamest car ever why does bucik get the right to name a car "rainier" it should be called "mailbox" or something
  23. scot'teryx

    Folsom, CA

    I lived there for about a year back in 93 and that area sucks hard. Travel 2 hours east and go to truckee or north shore
  24. scot'teryx

    P I X I E S

    "You fucking die" I said, to her I said "YOU FUCKING DIE", to her Huh? What? No, no! I was talking to Kim I said "you fucking die" No, I was just- we were just goofing around No, no. It didn't have anything to do with anything She said: "Don't tou- anybody touch this is my stuff" And I said "You fucking die" like that I was finishing her part for her You know what I mean?
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