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[TR] failure on the cd - 10/6/2009


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Trip: failure on the cd -


Date: 10/6/2009


Trip Report:

This is not really tr worthy, but I took some pictures, wrote a poem, made a video, so what the hell.






The forecast for October 6th called for mostly sunny to partly sunny skys - which it was before ~ 1230 when a thick dark deck of clouds trucked in from the west...


Helio ridge is looking like ski area -- there were a bunch of happy skiiers ripping up the variable. I wanted to summit, so after hiking "the football feild" I traveresed east to gain the Coleman. There was a recent bootpath from two climber -- and what looked like 2 snowboard tracks that I could see on the lower Coleman... I skinned on -- and was just about through the first major crevasse section when whiteness enveloped everything, nothing was visible except for crevasses in very close proximity.




I pushed upward for 20 minutes or so, but soon came to the conclusion to make the good decision of turning around, as I couldn't really see where I was going, and there was no track to follow...


I made a little video includeing some words and a little skiing.



I saw this gray pond on my way back to the trail, and It spoke to me. I just read some Saul Williams recently, and am totally inspired -- although saddly I think my poetry is only for my enjoyment...









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