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How to repair Schoeller fabric?


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Y'know, the Doctor fixed some expedition-weight Capilene bottoms that way a while back, and it worked pretty well, but it was just small areas where seams intersected and the fabric had torn away. Hard to say how well that'd work with a larger hole. And anyway, Greg is probably far too manly to willingly use something so historically effeminate as a sewing machine. tongue.gif

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i've had a pair of MEC feratta pants for about 7 years (finally just dead now...) which i've cramponned and otherwise "holed" numerous times. while the tears don't spread badly, repair seems best effected by zig-zag stitching (a la dave parker) followed by seam-gripping to protect the stitching from abrasion. to keep the the seam-gripped area from becoming a "blob", squish it and leave it to set between 2 pieces of waxed paper (which won't stick) and books or some other weight.

***do NOT use iron-on patches on schoeller; heat will degrade the lycra,a dn your expensive pants will be bags.

***do NOT use sewn-on patches unless you have to repair a really large tear; unless you can access some schoeller to patch with, the patch will have no stretch, and the comfort/function of the pants will be impaired.

***duct tape on the back side works fine for temproary repairs, but because the fabric is stretchy and duct tape is not, it eventually works loose - then the loose sticky edges cling to your leg hairs (provided you are so equipped...). some may enjoy this; i do not.


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